We have collected 5,113 of the best inspirational and motivational quotes from all the best authors for you, from humorous to thought-provoking, from funny to profound. You will find a fitting quote or an apt saying for any occasion. Enjoy our ever-growing collection!
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A rich state formed by poor people is absurd! The state cannot build its prosperity on the poverty and poverty of its citizens.
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- quiet
- question
- keep
- justification
- competence
- profit
- opposition
- cheap
- humility
- market
- competition
- risk
- guilt
- unhappy
- person
- personality
- process
- growth
- subtle
- nail
- hammer
- tool
- investment
- popularity
- key
- business
- harmony
- consciousness
- unconscious
- inspiration
- age
- fate
- eternity
- long
- short
- laughter
- error
- pride
- righteousness
- immortality
- nation
- fool
- battle
- confidence
- price
- name
- last
- first
- imagination
- temptation
- spirit
- absolute
- abandon
- humanity
- enough
- purpose
- destiny
- suffering
- illness
- body
- Reformation
- assume
- Gospel
- rule
- creation
- few
- pain
- excuse
- need
- always
- never
- night
- none
- now
- order
- ordinary
- other
- owe
- own
- quick
- respect
- rights
- right
- two
- ultimate
- understanding
- voice
- worse
- worthwhile
- worth
- writing
- wrong
- years
- government
- America
- patriotism
- split
- Zeus
- waiting
- leisure
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