
Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.

—William Wilberforce

If you are ever tempted to think any promise of the Word too large and that you must discount it, remember that Christ is risen and that therein you have a proof and illustration of the “exceeding greatness of the power to us-ward who believe.”

—R. A. Torrey

It was not to the unsaved that the words “Do not fret” were spoken, but to God-fearing persons capable of understanding spiritual things. We Christians need to watch & pray lest we fall into this temptation by an irritable spirit under the stress & strain of life.

—AW Tozer

If you are ever tempted to think any promise of the Word too large and that you must discount it, remember that Christ is risen and that therein you have a proof and illustration of the “exceeding greatness of the power to us-ward who believe.”

—R. A. Torrey

Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.

—William Wilberforce

That he is doubtless ready enough to pity us under temptations, we may be assured, for he has been tempted and buffeted by Satan as well as we.

—Jonathan Edwards

“The devil, the world, and the temptations of life, would soon erase out of the heart all that God had written there if he did not create it anew with the faculty of holding fast that which is good.”

Charles Spurgeon

“He that believes in Christ shall be delivered from sin, he shall trample it under his feet; he may have a life-long battle with it, nay, I am sure he will have that, else Christ would never have taught his disciples to pray, Lead us not into temptation.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Some may be up against tremendous temptations. All are surrounded, as David was, by powers which seem to suggest the hopelessness of the cause of God. Try David’s way—sing.

—Amy Carmichael

Even in the midst of various temptations, those that are enabled in patience to possess their souls, can witness, not only quietness of spirit, but triumph and exultation.

—John Wesley

We know that the temptation to fear is a very old one; millions of people have had it. But they have conquered, and so will you, if you take our Saviour’s words of strength to yourself, and stay yourself on them.

—Amy Carmichael

It was not to the unsaved that the words “Do not fret” were spoken, but to God-fearing persons capable of understanding spiritual things. We Christians need to watch & pray lest we fall into this temptation by an irritable spirit under the stress & strain of life.

—AW Tozer

It may much conduce to your willingness to die to consider that by death God oftentimes hides His people out of the way of all temptations and troubles upon earth.

—John Flavel

Stop in the midst of the bustle and hurry and temptation of the day for thanksgiving and prayer. A few minutes spent alone with God at midday will go far to keep you calm in the midst of the worries and anxieties of modern life.

—R. A. Torrey

I can resist anything except temptation.

—Oscar Wilde

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

—Oscar Wilde

Rejoice in Christ and resist every temptation to doubt his love as you would resist a temptation to adultery or murder.

—John Newton

CHRIST’s love will let nothing pluck us out of his hands. However, let us constantly watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation.

—George Whitefield

Nothing more habitually reconciles a child of God to the thought of death than the wearisomeness of…warfare with sin and temptation.

—John Newton

If anything in the world could have been a temptation to God to dispense with justice, it would have been the infinite dearness of his own Son. But when he took our sins, God poured out his wrath upon him.

—Jonathan Edwards