Panteleimon Kulish

Panteleimon KulishPanteleimon Oleksandrovych Kulish (1819–1897) was a Ukrainian writer and public figure. The author of the historical novel “The Black Council” (1846). [Українська] [Русский]

Panteleimon Kulish Quotes

All wealth, all glory – it is all vanity vanity; and the saber, and the mace with a bundle, and the ermine cuirae will one day lie beside the dead bones.

— Panteleimon Kulish

If you look at the girl's beauty, it will seem to you that there is no one better either on earth or in heaven.

— Panteleimon Kulish

No, it's probably a shame to stir the dough after taking it out of the oven! What is planted is what is baked.

— Panteleimon Kulish

It is time for us to know that there is no good where there is no truth.

— Panteleimon Kulish

Today he is a man, and tomorrow he is gone.

— Panteleimon Kulish

We are born unequal to the world, and we die equal!

— Panteleimon Kulish

If the enemy's sons lived to empty pockets, then they start a panic among the people in order to profit from human good during the turbulent times.

— Panteleimon Kulish

And it's true that when you're with the one you love, the day will pass by like an hour.

— Panteleimon Kulish

It rarely happens that a drunk sings!

— Panteleimon Kulish

Adam was not our brother's husband, and he also stumbled on Eve!

— Panteleimon Kulish

They look at God's peace from a barrel, but not from an empty one, like that Diogenes, but up to the neck in vodka.

— Panteleimon Kulish

And to a girl’s heart, what is young beauty, what is Cossack glory, when a Cossack does not rush to her?

— Panteleimon Kulish

It's hard to live in the world, but you want to live.

— Panteleimon Kulish

Apparently, your nannies have been feeding you such porridge since you were a child, so that even with gray hair, a man will not stop clinging to women!

— Panteleimon Kulish

It is probably impossible to bring people to their senses except by grief and trouble.

— Panteleimon Kulish

The human soul is the same, that of a Cossack and that of a woman: once you destroy it, you will not get another.

— Panteleimon Kulish

Two cats in one bag will not get along…

— Panteleimon Kulish

Mountain shall not cross paths with another mountain, but a man will cross paths with another man.

— Panteleimon Kulish