
There is no goal that can justify lies.

—Leo Tolstoy

Are you tried by your sin?

Jesus rose for your justification.

Does Satan accuse?

Jesus rose to be your advocate.

Do infirmities hinder?

The living Christ will show himself strong on your behalf.

Do you dread death?

Jesus has vanquished the last enemy.”

Charles Spurgeon

It is sweet to know and preach, the Christ justifies the ungodly, and that all truly good works are not so much as partly the cause, but the *effect* of our justification before God.

—George Whitefield

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.

—Ernest Hemingway

All bad precedents begin as justifiable measures.

—Julius Caesar

Christianity without the atoning blood is a Christianity without mercy for the sinner, without settled peace for the conscience, without genuine forgiveness, without justification, without cleansing, without power. It is not Christianity, but the devil’s own counterfeit.

—R. A. Torrey

Justification, if dependent upon works, cannot possibly stand in the sight of God, it must depend solely on the mercy of God and communion with Christ, and therefore on faith alone.

—John Calvin

“Justification without sanctification would not be salvation at all.”

— Charles Spurgeon

To sin is a human affair, but to justify sins is a demonic affair.

—Leo Tolstoy

The doctrines of our election, and free justification in CHRIST JESUS, are daily more and more pressed upon my heart. They fill my soul with a holy fire, and afford me great confidence in GOD my Saviour.

—George Whitefield

The doctrines of our election, and free justification in CHRIST JESUS, are daily more and more pressed upon my heart. They fill my soul with a holy fire, and afford me great confidence in GOD my Saviour.

—George Whitefield