
At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

All men, according to Paul, are dead in sin. Salvation, then, can come only by a new creation.

—J. Gresham Machen

The Christian relaxes in the temperate use of all the gifts of Providence. Imagination, and taste, and genius, and the beauties of creation, and the works of art, lie open to him.

—William Wilberforce

Every person must remember that political borders and the multitude of governmental authorities are human creations, and that before God we are all inhabitants of one and the same Earth and all subject to God’s law, not some human authority.

—Leo Tolstoy

It is utterly impossible to make a man better without Christ, and that is what men are trying to do. They are trying to patch up this old Adam’s nature. There must be a new creation.

—D. L. Moody

The confession of the Trinity is the core and the main element of the entire Christian religion. Without it, neither creation, nor redemption, nor sanctification can be purely maintained.

—Herman Bavinck

The work which has been intrusted to Christ is nothing less than that of reconciling the creation unto God.

—J. Gresham Machen

This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic.

—Carl Jung

[F]or contemporary judgment does not recognize that much depth of soul is needed to light up the picture drawn from contemptible life and elevate it into a pearl of creation.

—Nikolai Gogol

The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.

—Charles Dickens

Allowing that the whole creation now groaneth together under the sin of man, our comfort is, it will not always groan: God will arise and maintain His own cause; and the whole creation shall then be delivered both from moral and natural corruption.

—John Wesley

The triune God produces all things in creation and new creation by His Word and Spirit. All things thus speak to us of God.

—Herman Bavinck

All the works of God in nature and grace, in creation and re-creation, and in the world and history enable us to know something of the incomprehensible and lovely nature of God.

—Herman Bavinck

I criticize by creation, not by finding fault.


At the creation the morning stars sang, and all the children of God shouted with joy. At the birth of Christ a multitude of heavenly hosts raised a song of jubilation to God’s good pleasure.

—Herman Bavinck

One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be ‘happy’ is not included in the plan of ‘creation.’

—Sigmund Freud