George Whitefield (1714-1770), also known as George Whitfield, was an Anglican cleric and evangelist who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement. Born in Gloucester, he matriculated at Pembroke College at the University of Oxford in 1732.
George Whitefield Quotes
The Lord Christ is my righteousness, my whole and perfect righteousness
—George Whitefield
Morality of itself, dear Sir, will never carry us to heaven; no, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
—George Whitefield
Exalt Jesus. Self-righteousness overturn, overturn.
—George Whitefield
If we ourselves are good, we shall excite others to goodness. If we do evil, we shall entice others to do evil also. There is a close connection between doing and teaching.
—George Whitefield
I, though hell-deserving, am a living witness of his good providence; having nothing, I possess all things
—George Whitefield
It is a blessed thing to live upon God. Did ever any trust in him and was forsaken?
—George Whitefield
We must be helps to each other on this side of eternity.
—George Whitefield
God suffers his dear children to fall into little miscarriages, that the eye may not say to the hand, ‘I have not need of thee;’ or again, the head to the foot, ‘I have no need of thee.’
—George Whitefield
I shall act when put to the trial. This, however, is my comfort, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.’
—George Whitefield
Cast away every thing from you that favours of the lust of the eye and pride of life. Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and let your conversation always be seasoned with grace.
—George Whitefield
Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He is a gracious master. Oh that I knew and loved him more! for he is altogether lovely.
—George Whitefield
Preach the truth as it is in Jesus. Not a righteousness or inward holiness of our own, whereby we may make ourselves meet, but a righteousness of another, even the Lord our righteousness
—George Whitefield
How happy is it, when all are of one mind in a house; all agreed to entertain and love the Lord Jesus. Their heaven is begun on earth.
—George Whitefield
Do not slumber or sleep, but be always trimming your spiritual lamp, knowing you are shortly to meet the bridegroom.
—George Whitefield
It is sweet to know and preach, the Christ justifies the ungodly, and that all truly good works are not so much as partly the cause, but the *effect* of our justification before God.
—George Whitefield
My Lord has given me a sling and a stone; stripling as I am, I will go forth then in his strength, make mention of his righteousness only, and by that lay prostrate many *Goliaths*.
—George Whitefield
Never was the harvest greater; never were the labourers fewer.
—George Whitefield
The great shepherd shall furnish you with food enough, and to spare. Give of your loaves, and you shall take up of the fragments that remain.
—George Whitefield
Surely, dear Sir, the love of CHRIST must constrain us to spend and be spent for the good of souls.
—George Whitefield
See how our LORD’s sheep are scattered abroad, having too, too few true shepherds; I beseech you, go on, and point out to them the Redeemer’s good pastures.
—George Whitefield
Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and preach the truth as it is in JESUS.
—George Whitefield
May he enlighten me more and more, to know and feel the mystery of his electing, soul-transforming love.
—George Whitefield
I pray daily, that I may know his will more perfectly, not only that I may do it myself, but that I may teach it to others.
—George Whitefield
Wait upon the LORD, and you shall renew your strength. Though sometimes faint, yet still pursue.
—George Whitefield
I know CHRIST is all in all. Man is nothing: he hath a free will to go to hell, but none to go to heaven, till GOD worketh in him to will and to do after his good pleasure.
—George Whitefield
What was there in you and in me, that should move GOD to choose us before others? Was there any fitness foreseen in us, except a fitness for damnation? I believe not.
—George Whitefield
The good old Puritans, I believe, never preached better, than when in danger of being taken to prison as soon as they had finished their sermon.
—George Whitefield
I hope we shall catch fire from each other, and that there will be an holy emulation amongst us, who shall most debase man and exalt the LORD JESUS. Only the doctrines of the Reformation can do this.
—George Whitefield
Perhaps my enemies may have so much power given them from above, as to confine my body: but if I am bound, the word of the LORD will not be bound.
—George Whitefield
Talk to them, oh talk to them, even until midnight, of the riches of his all-sufficient grace.
—George Whitefield