
Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.

—William Wilberforce

I humbly trust I have humbled myself before God and come to him through Christ and though my heart be so hard and cold and inconstant yet I will humbly trust that his mercy will be extended, even to me.

—William Wilberforce

… until we truly humble ourselves, forgetting other people, and those who are worse than we are, until we see ourselves as we are in the sight of God, and confess our sins and come it ourselves into His Almighty hands, we have no right to look for peace and happiness.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I look to him with humble hope, I disclaim every other plea than that of the publican, offered up through the Redeemer; but I would animate my hopes, trusting in him that he will perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle me.

—William Wilberforce

“To make money in the markets, you have to think independently and be humble.”

— Ray Dalio

“You need humility to say ‘I might be wrong.'”

— Seth Klarman

“Humility is an enormously important quality. You can’t win without it. Survival in the end is where the winners are by definition, and survival begins with humility.”

— Peter Bernstein

Do what your body demands of you—attain glory, honor, wealth—and your life will be a hell. Do what your soul demands of you—attain humility, mercy, love—and you’ll have no need of any heaven. Heaven will be in your soul.

—Leo Tolstoy

Do what your body demands of you—attain glory, honor, wealth—and your life will be a hell. Do what your soul demands of you—attain humility, mercy, love—and you’ll have no need of any heaven. Heaven will be in your soul.

—Leo Tolstoy

This is the solution of what to a man of the world might seem a strange paradox, that in proportion as the Christian grows in grace, he grows also in humility.

—William Wilberforce

If you want to find an example to copy, look for it among simple, humble people. True greatness, which not only refrains from putting itself on display but isn’t even conscious of its own greatness, is only found among such people.

—Leo Tolstoy

If you want to find an example to copy, look for it among simple, humble people. True greatness, which not only refrains from putting itself on display but isn’t even conscious of its own greatness, is only found among such people.

—Leo Tolstoy

Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.

—William Wilberforce

“Let us seek more faith, more love, more patience, more zeal: let us labour after greater charity, greater brotherly kindness, greater humbleness of spirit.”

Charles Spurgeon

“Christ’s humble birth was but the prelude to a life still more humble, and a death even more abased.”

— Charles Spurgeon

The more powerful it grows, the greater the need for humility.


Oh that I were more thankful! My ingratitude should humble me in the dust.

—William Wilberforce

Whoever loves becomes humble.

Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism.

—Sigmund Freud

How comely is it for the humble Christian, with his heart full of holy joy and cheerfulness, to enter into his closet and on his knees offer up his heart, a sacrifice, burning in the flame of love.

—Jonathan Edwards

6 benefits to hearing the Word of God:

1. It exercises our humility.

2. It instructs our faith.

3. It lights us up with joy.

4. It inflames us with love.

5. It inspires us with zeal.

6. It lifts us up towards heaven.

— Charles Spurgeon

I look to him with humble hope, I disclaim every other plea than that of the publican, offered up through the Redeemer; but I would animate my hopes, trusting in him that he will perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle me.

—William Wilberforce

“One of the greatest works of grace in the heart is to humble our pride.”

— Charles Spurgeon

“No subject will tend more to humble the mind than thoughts of God.”

— Charles Spurgeon

Be deeply sensible of your own weaknesses, follies, and imperfections; as well as of the sin remaining in your heart, and cleaving to all your words and actions. And let this spirit appear in all you speak or do: Be clothed with humility.

—John Wesley

I humbly trust I have humbled myself before God and come to him through Christ and though my heart be so hard and cold and inconstant yet I will humbly trust that his mercy will be extended, even to me.

—William Wilberforce

I look with humble hope to the promises of Scripture. Ho everyone that thirsts, etc.

—William Wilberforce

Oh that these trials might make me more humble and holy.

—David Brainerd

When a man compares himself with others: thus measuring ourselves by ourselves, and comparing ourselves among ourselves, we show our folly and nourish our pride; but if any man will compare his own life with Christ’s, he will find abundant cause at every time to be humbled.

—John Flavel

… until we truly humble ourselves, forgetting other people, and those who are worse than we are, until we see ourselves as we are in the sight of God, and confess our sins and come it ourselves into His Almighty hands, we have no right to look for peace and happiness.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I am persuaded that love and humility are the highest attainments in the school of Christ—and the brightest evidences that He is indeed our Master.

John Newton