George Whitefield (1714-1770), also known as George Whitfield, was an Anglican cleric and evangelist who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement. Born in Gloucester, he matriculated at Pembroke College at the University of Oxford in 1732.
George Whitefield Quotes
CHRIST’s love will let nothing pluck us out of his hands. However, let us constantly watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation.
—George Whitefield
Fear not the face of man, for the LORD, if you go out in his strength, shall be with you, whithersoever you go.
—George Whitefield
Let me exhort you, by the mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, to continue unwearied in well doing.
—George Whitefield
I love those that thunder out the word. The Christian world is in a deep sleep. Nothing but a loud voice can awaken them out of it.
—George Whitefield
I know many of my acquaintance, who love to hear me talk and preach, and who receive me gladly into their houses; but alas! I fear they are self-righteous, and were never yet truly convinced of sin.
—George Whitefield
I have often thought, dear Madam, that you did not see through the world enough.
—George Whitefield
Do you believe in the Son of GOD? All thing are possible to him that believeth. If the devil therefore continues his assaults, resist him, stedfast in the faith.
—George Whitefield
I am now reading the book of martyrs. They make me blush to think how little I suffer for CHRIST’s sake.
—George Whitefield
If there is mercy with GOD, let him be feared, not disobeyed.
—George Whitefield
Oh that we may suffer only as christians, and then the spirit of CHRIST and of glory will rest upon us.
—George Whitefield
Let not our dear LORD’s lambs perish for lack of knowledge. ‘Give ye, give ye them to eat,’ methinks, is the endearing, constraining command of the great shepherd and bishop of souls.
—George Whitefield
Nothing will so much enforce your arguments as a life exactly conformable to the holy JESUS.
—George Whitefield
Why hath GOD called us by his free grace, and made a difference between us and others, but that we should stand up in defence of his injured honour?
—George Whitefield
Remember what our LORD hath said: ‘Whosoever receiveth not the kingdom of GOD, as a little child, shall in no-wise enter therein.’
—George Whitefield
Do not, my dear brother, I beseech you, dispute against your own happiness.
—George Whitefield
Give GOD your hearts, your whole hearts; let JESUS CHRIST’s be your whole wisdom, your whole righteousness; and then he will be your whole sanctification and eternal redemption.
—George Whitefield
Simplicity is the very spirit of the gospel; therefore, the more we learn CHRIST, the more regardless we shall be of worldly vanities.
—George Whitefield
A great work of GOD is doing here. The LORD JESUS gets himself the victory every day; free grace compels poor sinners to come in.
—George Whitefield
Look up to JESUS, the author and finisher of your faith. He will send you help in every time of need. Indeed he will never leave you, nor forsake you.
—George Whitefield
JESUS is still striving with your heart. Come to him by faith, renounce the world, and he will yet delight to honour you.
—George Whitefield
My dear brother, call down a blessing by your prayers. The LORD will hear those who put their trust in his mercy through CHRIST.
—George Whitefield
Let us not be of the number of those, who desire the honour that cometh of man; but be content with that which cometh from GOD.
—George Whitefield
O my friend, let us still wrestle with God, that we may be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the LORD.
—George Whitefield
GOD give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love, and a single eye, and then let men or devils do their worst.
—George Whitefield
I only wish, that I may have grace given me to preach the truth, as it is in JESUS; and then, come what will, I hope I shall (as I do, blessed be GOD) rejoice.
—George Whitefield
I have an all-sufficient GOD to apply to in all emergencies.
—George Whitefield
The first and grand thing, is to get a true and lively faith in CHRIST JESUS, seeking for it by earnest prayer.
—George Whitefield
Surely we cannot grow angry at trifles, when the Son of GOD endured such bitter usage, without the least murmur or complaint.
—George Whitefield
The best way to make a progress in religion, is to persist in, and to improve on the means we enjoy.
—George Whitefield
Amazing, that ever sinners should sit with their Saviour! To what dignity has CHRIST exalted human nature. And how did he do it? Why, by humbling himself. Let us go and do likewise.
—George Whitefield