George Whitefield

George WhitefieldGeorge Whitefield (1714-1770), also known as George Whitfield, was an Anglican cleric and evangelist who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement. Born in Gloucester, he matriculated at Pembroke College at the University of Oxford in 1732.

George Whitefield Quotes

Speak every time, my dear brother, as if it was your last; weep out, if possible, every argument, and as it were compel them to cry, Behold how he loveth us.

—George Whitefield

GOD forbid, my dear brother, that we should shun to declare the whole counsel of GOD.

—George Whitefield

Faith will set you up above the fear of man, and enable you to rejoice in being accounted a fool for CHRIST’s sake.

—George Whitefield

We must suffer, as well as do, for CHRIST. If you are one of his you will rejoice.

—George Whitefield

Faith in him will enable you to overcome the world, and cause you even to triumph over the lust of the eye and the pride of life.

—George Whitefield

Pure and undefiled religion consists in a lively faith in JESUS CHRIST, as the only mediator between GOD and man.

—George Whitefield

I pray GOD to open your eyes with a sense of his love.

—George Whitefield

Love, love to JESUS, casts out fear.

—George Whitefield

Study to show the simplicity of JESUS CHRIST, and strive to imitate those holy matrons, who not only administered to our LORD of their substance, but also followed him to the accursed tree.

—George Whitefield

Fear not man. The LORD OF HOSTS shall be with you; the strength of that GOD who hath called you shall be your refuge.

—George Whitefield

He who sends, will protect us. All the devils in hell shall not hurt us, till we have finished our testimony.

—George Whitefield

Freely we have received, freely let us give; what CHRIST tells us by his Spirit in our closets, that let us proclaim on the house top.

—George Whitefield

As the LORD has been pleased to reveal his dear Son in us, Oh let us stir up that gift of GOD, and with all boldness preach him to others.

—George Whitefield

To him alone, from whom every good and perfect gift cometh, be all the thanks and glory.

—George Whitefield

None but those who have felt the Spirit themselves, can freely or feelingly speak of him to others.

—George Whitefield

Have you true faith? Keep it not to yourselves; be willing, as occasion offers, freely to communicate it to others.

—George Whitefield

The rulers of this world will endeavour to put you under bushels; but if your light is of GOD’s kindling, all the devils in hell shall not be able to extinguish it. Be not therefore, my brethren, weary of well doing.

—George Whitefield

The rulers of this world will endeavour to put you under bushels; but if your light is of GOD’s kindling, all the devils in hell shall not be able to extinguish it. Be not therefore, my brethren, weary of well doing.

—George Whitefield

Arise, ye sons of the prophets; shine forth, ye who are appointed to be the lights of the world.

—George Whitefield

The doctrines of our election, and free justification in CHRIST JESUS, are daily more and more pressed upon my heart. They fill my soul with a holy fire, and afford me great confidence in GOD my Saviour.

—George Whitefield

The doctrines of our election, and free justification in CHRIST JESUS, are daily more and more pressed upon my heart. They fill my soul with a holy fire, and afford me great confidence in GOD my Saviour.

—George Whitefield

Before I am exalted, I am always humbled by some inward trials. They are the most soul-grieving, but they are the most soul-improving conflicts.

—George Whitefield

When I consider it is for JESUS CHRIST, who has called me by his free grace into his marvellous light, and has promised to be with us always, even unto the end of the world, a divine fire kindles in my heart, and I long to call the lingering battle on.

—George Whitefield

When I consider it is for JESUS CHRIST, who has called me by his free grace into his marvellous light, and has promised to be with us always, even unto the end of the world, a divine fire kindles in my heart, and I long to call the lingering battle on.

—George Whitefield

He is worthy, he hath plucked me as a brand out of the burning, and is continually comforting me on every side.

—George Whitefield

Oh had I a thousand lives, my dear LORD JESUS should have them all!

—George Whitefield

By the help of GOD, I will speak; and the more Satan bids me to hold my peace, the more earnestly will I proclaim to believing saints, that JESUS the son of David will have have mercy on them

—George Whitefield

Having had a legion of devils cast out of my heart by the power of CHRIST, why should I not tell what he hath done for my soul, for the encouragement of others.

—George Whitefield

A sense of my unworthiness and unfitness so weighs me down, that I have often thought it would be best for me to retire. But I know these are all suggestions of the enemy. Why should I distrust omnipotence?

—George Whitefield

A sense of my unworthiness and unfitness so weighs me down, that I have often thought it would be best for me to retire. But I know these are all suggestions of the enemy. Why should I distrust omnipotence?

—George Whitefield