
Knowing God in Christ brings with it eternal life, imperturbable joy, and heavenly blessedness. These are not merely effects, but the knowing of God is itself immediately a new, eternal, and blessed life.

—Herman Bavinck

Own thyself guilty of eternal death; and renounce all hope of ever being able to save thyself. Be it all thy hope, to be washed in His blood, and purified by His Spirit, who Himself bore all thy sins in His own body upon the tree.

—John Wesley

How wonderful that a private man should have such an influence on the temporal and eternal happiness of millions; literally, millions on millions yet unborn! O God, make me more earnest for Thy glory; and may I act more from real love and gratitude to my redeeming Lord.

—William Wilberforce

It is confessedly true, that God’s good pleasure appointing us from eternity to salvation, is, in its kind, a most full and sufficient impulsive cause of our salvation, and every way able (for so much as it is concerned) to produce its effect.

—John Flavel

It is a petty view of our Father’s love and wisdom which demands or expects an answer according to our desires, apart from His wisdom. We see hardly one inch of the narrow lane of time. To our God eternity lies open as a meadow.

—Amy Carmichael

While your sins are as deep as the ocean, the atonement that swallows them up is as deep as eternity, and on the ground of Christ’s atoning death there is pardon to-night for the vilest sinner in Bingley Hall, for the vilest sinner on the face of this earth.

—R. A. Torrey

But let me tell you, my brother, eternity is another thing than we ordinarily take it to be in a healthful state. Oh, how vast and boundless! Oh, how fixed and unalterable! Oh, of what infinite importance is it, that we be prepared for eternity!

—David Brainerd

O deeps unfathomed as the sea,

O heights that reach beyond the high,

O Love that lavished all on me,

I know Thee now, I know Thee nigh.

O Love that is not here or there,

But like Thine own eternity

Is here, is there, is everywhere,

I yield, I love, I worship Thee.

—Amy Carmichael

Is happiness only an eternal, unattainable mirage?

Volodymyr Vynnychenko

A soul doth never glorify or honour Christ upon a discovery or sense of the eternal redemption he hath purchased for him, but it is in him a peculiar effect of the Holy Ghost as our comforter.

—John Owen

“We praise the electing, unchangeable, eternal, conquering love of the Lord.”

Charles Spurgeon

We must be helps to each other on this side of eternity.

—George Whitefield

While your sins are as deep as the ocean, the atonement that swallows them up is as deep as eternity, and on the ground of Christ’s atoning death there is pardon to-night for the vilest sinner in Bingley Hall, for the vilest sinner on the face of this earth.

—R. A. Torrey

He is to *sprinkle* that blood upon their souls; he is to *create* the holiness in them that they long after; he is to be himself in them a *well* of water springing up to eternal life.

—John Owen

Own thyself guilty of eternal death; and renounce all hope of ever being able to save thyself. Be it all thy hope, to be washed in His blood, and purified by His Spirit, who Himself bore all thy sins in His own body upon the tree.

—John Wesley

The Tao is infinite, eternal.


“Farewell, thou deadly love of sin; we have done with thee! Farewell, dead world, corrupt world; we have done with thee! Christ has raised us. Christ has given us eternal life.”

– Charles Spurgeon

This is called practicing eternity.


The eternal love of the Father is not the fruit but the fountain of his purchase

—John Owen

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.


Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.

—Arthur Schopenhauer

You have nothing to fear from the machinations of those people who belong to a deceitful and vain world. They can’t reach a beautiful bird soaring in the sky. What’s her name? Is it truth? Love? Eternity? Yes, eternity. The bustling world can’t keep up with eternity, it better see it doesn’t lose itself!

—Hryhorii Skovoroda

“Hold everything earthly with a loose hand;

but grasp eternal things with a deathlike grip.”

— Charles Spurgeon

I’m tired, can’t think of anything and want only to lay my face in your lap, feel your hand on my head and remain like that through all eternity.

—Franz Kafka

The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.


Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.


As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

—Henry David Thoreau

Life is a gift, life is happiness, every minute can be an eternity of happiness.

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

It is confessedly true, that God’s good pleasure appointing us from eternity to salvation, is, in its kind, a most full and sufficient impulsive cause of our salvation, and every way able (for so much as it is concerned) to produce its effect.

—John Flavel

We don’t and can’t know what happiness for all people consists of, but we know full well that gaining this common happiness is possible only through the eternal law of kindness, revealed through human wisdom and residing in the hearts of all people.

—Leo Tolstoy