Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan EdwardsJonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian. Edwards is widely regarded as one of America’s most important and original philosophical theologians. [Українська] [Русский]

Jonathan Edwards Quotes

A God of infinite goodness and benevolence loves those that have no excellency to move or attract it

—Jonathan Edwards

We want clothing, and Christ does not only give us clothing, but he gives himself to be our clothing, that we might put him on.

—Jonathan Edwards

Christ gives himself to his people to be all things to them that they need, and all things that make for their happiness.

—Jonathan Edwards

God is both the purchaser and the price; for Christ, who is God, purchased these blessings for us, by offering up himself as the price of our salvation.

—Jonathan Edwards

When you read, observe what you read. Observe how things come in. Take notice of the drift of the discourse, and compare one scripture with another.

—Jonathan Edwards

We should admire the love of Christ to men, that he has thus given himself to be the remedy for all their evil, and fountain of all good.

—Jonathan Edwards

He who believes, though he sows in tears, yet he shall reap in joy.

—Jonathan Edwards

Let our closets and places of retirement be witnesses of our sincere and hearty praises.

—Jonathan Edwards

There is no more lively image of heaven than an assembly of Christians praising God.

—Jonathan Edwards

How becoming a thing is it that we should love and bless God, seeing he does so much for us and requires nothing also as a return but the sacrifices of thanksgiving.

—Jonathan Edwards

God’s praise is comely and beautiful because the very business of it is to manifest and show forth the excellency, comeliness, and beauty of God.

—Jonathan Edwards

We have exposed ourselves to weariness; God has provided a resting-place for us.

—Jonathan Edwards

If persons do truly believe in God through the Lord Jesus Christ, no affliction that they meet with shall hurt them.

—Jonathan Edwards

We by sin have brought upon ourselves a miserable slavery and bondage; God has made provision for our liberty.

—Jonathan Edwards

We by sin have made ourselves poor, needy creatures; but God has provided for us gold tried in the fire.

—Jonathan Edwards

That he is doubtless ready enough to pity us under temptations, we may be assured, for he has been tempted and buffeted by Satan as well as we.

—Jonathan Edwards

We are by our own sin against God plunged into all sorts of evil, and God has provided a remedy for us against every sort of evil, he has left us helpless in no calamity.

—Jonathan Edwards

Why do such eat and drink and yet refuse to love him who gives them their meat and drink?

—Jonathan Edwards

How comely is it for the humble Christian, with his heart full of holy joy and cheerfulness, to enter into his closet and on his knees offer up his heart, a sacrifice, burning in the flame of love.

—Jonathan Edwards

Let us consider that when we exercise ourselves in God’s praise, we are doing the work of angels and saints in glory.

—Jonathan Edwards

Since praise is so comely a thing, let all be exhorted to praise God.

—Jonathan Edwards

Faith is a grace that gives God the glory of his sufficiency and faithfulness.

—Jonathan Edwards

His eyes are pleased with the sight of a thankful heart.

—Jonathan Edwards

It is most reasonable that we should praise and bless him and give thanks to him.

—Jonathan Edwards

How amiable and beautiful a thing it is to see persons thankful for kindness.

—Jonathan Edwards

It is very proper for us when we have experienced the mercy of God and praise him for that, at the same time to praise him for his other perfections.

—Jonathan Edwards

Those whose hearts are filled with praise will say, ‘What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits?’

—Jonathan Edwards

However any may pretend that they thankfully take notice of God’s goodness, it is a vain pretense if they don’t study to please and honor him.

—Jonathan Edwards

The principal thing wherein praise in our behavior consists, and which is most acceptable to God, is a cheerful obedience.

—Jonathan Edwards

What is just and reasonable is comely and beautiful.

—Jonathan Edwards