Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian. Edwards is widely regarded as one of America’s most important and original philosophical theologians. [Українська] [Русский]
Jonathan Edwards Quotes
Then only is God praised when the heart is lifted up to God with love, joy, and wonder for what it sees in him and receives from him with a desire of expressing it to him.
—Jonathan Edwards
There is quiet rest and sweet refreshment in Christ for those that are wearied with persecutions.
—Jonathan Edwards
Wicked men rejoice in many things that are fruits of God’s goodness to them, but they don’t praise him because the foundation of this joy is not anything that they see in God but only the good they receive themselves.
—Jonathan Edwards
Wicked men rejoice in many things that are fruits of God’s goodness to them, but they don’t praise him because the foundation of this joy is not anything that they see in God but only the good they receive themselves.
—Jonathan Edwards
If the soul flies to Jesus Christ, they may find rest in him, for he came into the world to destroy Satan, and to rescue souls out of his hands.
—Jonathan Edwards
‘Tis not a vain thing to praise him. We cannot spend time better for our souls. It doth good to the heart in that manner to be lifted up unto God.
—Jonathan Edwards
Whatever appears externally, it is not praise if it be not an expression of what is in the mind.
—Jonathan Edwards
God is to be praised for his goodness.
—Jonathan Edwards
There may be admiration where there is no praise. The devils doubtless wonder at many things which God does.
—Jonathan Edwards
Praise is the act of intelligent creatures and not the act of mere machines or things without life.
—Jonathan Edwards
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God. It is profitable and advantageous. It is health to the mind. The soul is greatly bettered and advantaged by it. It is an exercise that naturally tends to the spiritual life, to strengthen, confirm and increase it.
—Jonathan Edwards
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God. It is profitable and advantageous. It is health to the mind. The soul is greatly bettered and advantaged by it. It is an exercise that naturally tends to the spiritual life, to strengthen, confirm and increase it.
—Jonathan Edwards
You must follow your guide, which is the Word of God, which directs you still to pray and to seek and follow on.
—Jonathan Edwards
If you have prayed earnestly or you think a great while and have gone through great discouragement in it, yet pray still. Let the discouragement be what it will.
—Jonathan Edwards
We by our sin have exposed ourselves to wrath, to a vindictive justice; but God has done very great things that we might be saved from that wrath
—Jonathan Edwards
[On prayer.] There is no other way but to begin and go on and to go through.
—Jonathan Edwards
There is in Christ quiet rest and sweet refreshment for God’s people, when wearied with the buffetings of Satan.
—Jonathan Edwards
Earnest prayer does abundantly more towards preparing the heart than other prayer.
—Jonathan Edwards
You should be earnest in wrestling with a dull and hard heart.
—Jonathan Edwards
God is not obliged. He has made no promise but yet ’tis his pleasure often to answer the prayers of those who are full of hypocrisy and all manner of abomination.
—Jonathan Edwards
Christ has appeared upon earth, and you should go to him with your doubt.
—Jonathan Edwards
When he opens his bountiful hand to us and deals forth of his kindness, what God gives is not only for our enjoyment but for our improvement.
—Jonathan Edwards
God prepares men to acknowledge his power in the mercies he bestows by making them sensible of their weakness and helplessness.
—Jonathan Edwards
Ye who now give the reins to your carnal opportunities. The present state that you are ready to imagine to be, all will soon pass away, and there are vast alterations coming. That are at hand, even at the door.
—Jonathan Edwards
Ye who now give the reins to your carnal opportunities. The present state that you are ready to imagine to be, all will soon pass away, and there are vast alterations coming. That are at hand, even at the door.
—Jonathan Edwards
Sin so hardens and dulls the soul that it appears unsupportive of the plainest reason and clearest light and unmoved by things of the greatest and most immediate concern.
—Jonathan Edwards
‘Tis well for some that God is to be their judge, for by that means the mouths of all who reproach and condemn them will be stopped.
—Jonathan Edwards
God’s people, whenever they are scorched by afflictions as by hot sunbeams, may resort to him, who is as a shadow of a great rock, and be effectually sheltered, and sweetly refreshed.
—Jonathan Edwards
Christ is the joy of the soul, and if the soul be rejoiced and filled with divine light, such joy no man can take away; whatever outward misery there be, the Spirit will sustain it.
—Jonathan Edwards
There is in Christ rest for God’s people, when exercised with afflictions.
—Jonathan Edwards