Dr. Peter R. Rose has been a professional geologist for 50+ years, specializing in Carbonate Stratigraphy, Petroleum Geology, Basin Analysis, E&P Risk Assessment, and Mineral Economics.
Peter R. Rose Quotes
Uncertainty is greater than you think, so widen your estimating ranges.
—Peter R. Rose
If it’s not a fair deal for all parties, the deal will not survive.
—Peter R. Rose
Don’t do business with people who don’t share your ethical values.
—Peter R. Rose
Before you fly off the handle, check to see what it’s attached to.
—Peter R. Rose
If you honor what’s ethical, chances are you won’t have to worry about what’s legal.
—Peter R. Rose
Put things in perspective: watch a quiet sunrise.
—Peter R. Rose
Don’t forbid what you can’t enforce.
—Peter R. Rose
Be nice to everybody you never know what SOB may become your boss.
—Peter R. Rose
Don’t marry a woman who doesn’t love her father.
—Peter R. Rose
You are not what you expect you are what you inspect.
—Peter R. Rose
Don’t use dollars to measure a man’s wealth.
—Peter R. Rose
The exploration business is a Repeated Trials game.
—Peter R. Rose
Live within your means it will liberate you.
—Peter R. Rose
Ain’t it great that we don’t get all the Government we pay for?
—Peter R. Rose
Work flows to those who will do it.
—Peter R. Rose
Never marry a woman whose father called her princess.
—Peter R. Rose
Be generous try to grant good faith to those with whom you disagree.
—Peter R. Rose
Sometimes, the best defense is to stay out of range.
—Peter R. Rose
Number one secret of success in the consulting business: Be Responsive.
—Peter R. Rose
Maybe you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, but remember, those eggs belong to somebody.
—Peter R. Rose
Our memories are selective and fallible, so put it in writing.
—Peter R. Rose
If you see somebody coming to save your soul, the best thing you can do is run for your life.
—Peter R. Rose
If it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not a new idea.
—Peter R. Rose
The brain cannot absorb more than the rump can withstand.
—Peter R. Rose
Good opportunities don’t show up everyday — when they do, act on them right away.
—Peter R. Rose
Courtrooms are good places to stay out of.
—Peter R. Rose
Money’s just a tool to get things done with.
—Peter R. Rose
It’s a lot easier to change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ than vice-versa.
—Peter R. Rose
Nothing is more dangerous than a sample of one.
—Peter R. Rose
It only takes a growl and a stiff-legged scratch to turn a friendly butt-sniffing into a dog fight.
—Peter R. Rose