Peter R. Rose

Peter R. RoseDr. Peter R. Rose has been a professional geologist for 50+ years, specializing in Carbonate Stratigraphy, Petroleum Geology, Basin Analysis, E&P Risk Assessment, and Mineral Economics.

Peter R. Rose Quotes

Perceived arrogance often masks deep feelings of inadequacy.

—Peter R. Rose

First, always take care of business.

—Peter R. Rose

Finding oil and gas ain’t so hard — it’s making money that’s hell!

—Peter R. Rose

Nobody likes to be called on their own stuff.

—Peter R. Rose

Nobody has a monopoly on truth or virtue.

—Peter R. Rose

It’s awfully easy to borrow more money than you ought to.

—Peter R. Rose

Put yourself in the other fellow’s shoes — but you don’t have to stay there.

—Peter R. Rose

Definition of humility: knowing your limitations and asking for help.

—Peter R. Rose

Most folks are in favor of competition – as long as they are winning.

—Peter R. Rose

Never buy a cow wearing more than one brand.

—Peter R. Rose

It’s amazing how fast you can learn when it’s your own money.

—Peter R. Rose

Career counsel: job security lies within yourself — competence, conscientiousness, contributions, and contacts.

—Peter R. Rose

I was looking for a job when I took this job, and I can always go look for another one.

—Peter R. Rose

Forgiving doesn’t mean you have to repeat the same old mistakes.

—Peter R. Rose

Make ‘To Do’ lists — if you write it down, chances are it’ll get done.

—Peter R. Rose

Don’t ever be afraid to take a good profit — but don’t get greedy.

—Peter R. Rose

Know the difference between what’s important and what’s urgent and resolve to do at least one important thing every day.

—Peter R. Rose

We’re all folks of good faith – it’s just that our faiths are different.

—Peter R. Rose

All business is done on a personal basis.

—Peter R. Rose