His mercy & grace are infinite & His patient understanding is beyond measure, but He will not aid men in their selfish striving after personal gain. He will not help men to attain ends which, when attained, usurp the place He by every right should hold in their affection.
Through the infinite goodness of God, I felt what I spoke; he enabled me to treat on divine truth with uncommon clearness: and yet I was so sensible of my defects in preaching, that I could not be proud of my performance, as at some times; and blessed be the Lord for this mercy.
—David Brainerd
…upon a day of thanksgiving kept in this place, I was enabled to recall and recount over the mercies of God, in such a manner as greatly affected me, and filled me with thankfulness and praise.
—David Brainerd
Begin the day with thanksgiving and prayer. Thanksgiving for the definite mercies of the past, prayer for the definite needs of the present day.
—R. A. Torrey
Christianity without the atoning blood is a Christianity without mercy for the sinner, without settled peace for the conscience, without genuine forgiveness, without justification, without cleansing, without power. It is not Christianity, but the devil’s own counterfeit.
—R. A. Torrey
If God be a God of so much mercy, how can I abuse so good a God? Shall I take so glorious an attribute as the mercy of God is and abuse it unto sin?
—John Flavel
…we cannot aspire to God and enter salvation, but God, in his infinite grace and mercy, gives it and reveals it.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.
Justification, if dependent upon works, cannot possibly stand in the sight of God, it must depend solely on the mercy of God and communion with Christ, and therefore on faith alone.
—John Calvin
Show me the sinner that can spread his iniquities to the dimensions (if I may so say) of this grace. Here is mercy enough for the greatest, the oldest, the stubbornest transgressor, – ‘Why will ye die, O house of Israel?’
—John Owen
Show me the sinner that can spread his iniquities to the dimensions (if I may so say) of this grace. Here is mercy enough for the greatest, the oldest, the stubbornest transgressor, – ‘Why will ye die, O house of Israel?’
—John Owen
God prepares men to acknowledge his power in the mercies he bestows by making them sensible of their weakness and helplessness.
—Jonathan Edwards
By the help of GOD, I will speak; and the more Satan bids me to hold my peace, the more earnestly will I proclaim to believing saints, that JESUS the son of David will have have mercy on them
—George Whitefield
Let me exhort you, by the mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, to continue unwearied in well doing.
—George Whitefield
If there is mercy with GOD, let him be feared, not disobeyed.
—George Whitefield
God hath set him forth to declare his righteousness for the forgiveness of sin; he hath made way in him for ever to exalt the glory of his pardoning mercy to sinners.
—John Owen
Gospel grace and pardoning mercy is alone purchased by him, and revealed in him.
—John Owen
My dear brother, call down a blessing by your prayers. The LORD will hear those who put their trust in his mercy through CHRIST.
—George Whitefield
People will find fault as they please, and it is a mercy to sit loose to their opinions, and let them talk on — provided we can do it in a right spirit. I mean, from a humble consciousness that our views are upright before the Lord — and that we are simply aiming to serve him.
—John Newton
People will find fault as they please, and it is a mercy to sit loose to their opinions, and let them talk on — provided we can do it in a right spirit. I mean, from a humble consciousness that our views are upright before the Lord — and that we are simply aiming to serve him.
—John Newton
People will find fault as they please, and it is a mercy to sit loose to their opinions, and let them talk on — provided we can do it in a right spirit.
—John Newton
Lord, through your mercy, I want to purpose in my heart not to meddle with anything that appears to be unrighteous, or have anything to do with it!
—Jeremiah Burroughs
A noble heart is a thankful heart that loves to acknowledge whenever it has received any mercy.
—Jeremiah Burroughs
Lord, if there be but one drop of mercy in me to show pity to others, is there not an infinite ocean of mercy in you?
—Jeremiah Burroughs
Do you think that the Lord will come in mercy a whit sooner because of the murmuring of your spirits?
—Jeremiah Burroughs