I humbly trust I have humbled myself before God and come to him through Christ and though my heart be so hard and cold and inconstant yet I will humbly trust that his mercy will be extended, even to me.
—William Wilberforce
How often, as we ponder some new tender mercy, so undeserved, so dewy with the freshness of love that we long for words of glory to sing that love, we can only say, Lord, Thou knowest me. I am all open unto Thee—and yet Thou hast done this.
—Amy Carmichael
Through the infinite goodness of God, I felt what I spoke; he enabled me to treat on divine truth with uncommon clearness: and yet I was so sensible of my defects in preaching, that I could not be proud of my performance, as at some times; and blessed be the Lord for this mercy.
—David Brainerd
Cast yourselves on his undeserved mercy; he is full of love, and will not spurn you: surrender yourselves into his hands, and solemnly resolve, through his grace, to dedicate henceforth all your faculties and powers to his service.
—William Wilberforce
Do what your body demands of you—attain glory, honor, wealth—and your life will be a hell. Do what your soul demands of you—attain humility, mercy, love—and you’ll have no need of any heaven. Heaven will be in your soul.
—Leo Tolstoy
Do what your body demands of you—attain glory, honor, wealth—and your life will be a hell. Do what your soul demands of you—attain humility, mercy, love—and you’ll have no need of any heaven. Heaven will be in your soul.
—Leo Tolstoy
“The flood of God’s mercy flows down to refresh the thirsty sons of men.”
Cast yourselves on his undeserved mercy; he is full of love, and will not spurn you: surrender yourselves into his hands, and solemnly resolve, through his grace, to dedicate henceforth all your faculties and powers to his service.
—William Wilberforce
How often, as we ponder some new tender mercy, so undeserved, so dewy with the freshness of love that we long for words of glory to sing that love, we can only say, Lord, Thou knowest me. I am all open unto Thee—and yet Thou hast done this.
—Amy Carmichael
If, in the righteousness, the goodness, the love, the mercy, the all-sufficiency of God, there be any thing that will do us good, the Lord Jesus is fully interested with the dispensing of it in our behalf.
—John Owen
If, in the righteousness, the goodness, the love, the mercy, the all-sufficiency of God, there be any thing that will do us good, the Lord Jesus is fully interested with the dispensing of it in our behalf.
—John Owen
“If God is to write the law upon the heart, the heart must be prepared, and in order to being prepared, it must be entirely renewed by a miracle of mercy, such as can only be wrought by that omnipotent hand which made both heaven and earth.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“The sword of justice hath less power over human hearts than the sceptre of mercy.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“So long as we are receivers of mercy we must be givers of thanks.”
— Charles Spurgeon
God has by his preventing grace kept me from publicly disgracing the Christian profession. O my soul, praise the Lord, and forget not all his mercies.
—William Wilberforce
It is very proper for us when we have experienced the mercy of God and praise him for that, at the same time to praise him for his other perfections.
—Jonathan Edwards
I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.
—Oscar Wilde
Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.
—Thomas Aquinas
He conquers twice, who shows mercy to the conquered.
—Julius Caesar
“Oh, to preach Christ in a Christly way, — to tell of mercy in the spirit of mercy, and to preach grace in a truly gracious way!”
– Charles Spurgeon
Pardoning mercy is God’s free, gracious acceptance of a sinner upon satisfaction made to his justice in the blood of Jesus
—John Owen
In Christ, justice and mercy embrace, suffering is the road to glory, the cross points to a crown, and the timber of the cross becomes the tree of life.
—Herman Bavinck
Believers are unacquainted with their own condition, if they look upon their mercies as dispensed in a way of common providence.
—John Owen
So, satisfied with His mercy, let us rejoice and be glad all our days—all these days, this day.
—Amy Carmichael
O the grace and mercy of Christ which are still ready for me, a poor persevering sinner, who have so long trifled with the concerns of my soul’s salvation.
—William Wilberforce
I humbly trust I have humbled myself before God and come to him through Christ and though my heart be so hard and cold and inconstant yet I will humbly trust that his mercy will be extended, even to me.
—William Wilberforce
I go to prayer, humbly throwing myself on the promised mercies of God in Christ.
—William Wilberforce
May I henceforth live under a more habitually lively sense of the mercies of Christ.
—William Wilberforce
O what mercies have we to be thankful for, yet how little are we conscious and affectingly and habitually sensible of them.
—William Wilberforce
How little have I done for God since I devoted myself to him. I fly for pardon to the mercy of God in Christ.
—William Wilberforce