Quotes from C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, D. L. Moody, A. W. Tozer, Herman Bavinck, Amy Carmichael, and others.
Quotes from Christian Writers and Preachers
A great work of GOD is doing here. The LORD JESUS gets himself the victory every day; free grace compels poor sinners to come in.
—George Whitefield
That peace which results from true faith passes understanding, and that joy is joy unspeakable.
—Jonathan Edwards
The soul sees in Christ a way to peace with God, and a way by which the law may be answered, and justice satisfied, and yet he may escape; a wonderful way indeed, but yet a certain and a glorious one.
—Jonathan Edwards
The law reveals no patience or forbearance in God; it speaks, as to the issue of transgressions, nothing but sword and fire, had not God interposed by an act of sovereignty.
—John Owen
Look up to JESUS, the author and finisher of your faith. He will send you help in every time of need. Indeed he will never leave you, nor forsake you.
—George Whitefield
JESUS is still striving with your heart. Come to him by faith, renounce the world, and he will yet delight to honour you.
—George Whitefield
Accept of the offered love of him who is the only-begotten Son of God, and his elect, in whom his soul delighteth.
—Jonathan Edwards
There are many glimpses of the patience of God shining out in the works of his providence; but all exceedingly beneath that discovery of it which we have in Christ
—John Owen
*Love unto sinners*. Without this, man is of all creatures most miserable; and there is not the least glimpse of it that can possibly be discovered but in Christ.
—John Owen
He takes away the guilt of sin, from which the soul before saw no way how it was possible to be freed, and which, if it was not removed, led to eternal destruction.
—Jonathan Edwards
My dear brother, call down a blessing by your prayers. The LORD will hear those who put their trust in his mercy through CHRIST.
—George Whitefield
Those persons who have God for their Father have a Father who loves them much more than any earthly parent loves his child.
—Jonathan Edwards
Mortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world.
—John Owen
Let us not be of the number of those, who desire the honour that cometh of man; but be content with that which cometh from GOD.
—George Whitefield
This, then, for the present, may suffice in general to be spoken of the personal grace of the Lord Christ:- He hath a fitness to save, having pity and ability, tenderness and power, to carry on that work to the uttermost
—John Owen
O my friend, let us still wrestle with God, that we may be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the LORD.
—George Whitefield
There are plenty and fulness in him; he is like a river that is always flowing, you may live by it for ever, and never be in want.
—Jonathan Edwards
Come to him who is ‘as rivers of water in a dry place.’
—Jonathan Edwards
All true and solid knowledge is laid up in, and is only to be attained from and by, the Lord Jesus Christ
—John Owen
GOD give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love, and a single eye, and then let men or devils do their worst.
—George Whitefield
To lie in the arms of Christ’s love, under a perpetual influence of supportment and refreshment, is certainly to hold communion with him.
—John Owen
I only wish, that I may have grace given me to preach the truth, as it is in JESUS; and then, come what will, I hope I shall (as I do, blessed be GOD) rejoice.
—George Whitefield
Christ puts strength and a principle of new life into the weary soul that comes to him.
—Jonathan Edwards
I have an all-sufficient GOD to apply to in all emergencies.
—George Whitefield
If we suppose that Christ died without any absolute determination that any particular persons should be saved by his death, we must suppose that he undertook to die when he was wholly at uncertainties about the success of his death.
—Jonathan Edwards
The first and grand thing, is to get a true and lively faith in CHRIST JESUS, seeking for it by earnest prayer.
—George Whitefield
Many of those who are in Christ are condemned by others who are unjust judges.
—Jonathan Edwards
In the sufferings of Christ, the threatening of the law is already completely finished, that infinite punishment has been eternally gone through.
—Jonathan Edwards
Surely we cannot grow angry at trifles, when the Son of GOD endured such bitter usage, without the least murmur or complaint.
—George Whitefield
The glory and honor of God requires that sometimes there should be tokens of his displeasure against the sins of men here in this world.
—Jonathan Edwards