Quotes from C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, D. L. Moody, A. W. Tozer, Herman Bavinck, Amy Carmichael, and others.
Quotes from Christian Writers and Preachers
All *spiritual* revelation is by Christ. He is ‘the true Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world,’ John 1:9.
—John Owen
It is his work as Mediator to give rest to the weary, it is the work that he was anointed for, and in which he delights.
—Jonathan Edwards
Now, Christ delights exceedingly in his saints: ‘As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee,’ Is 50:5.
—John Owen
If there is mercy with GOD, let him be feared, not disobeyed.
—George Whitefield
God does not choose men, because they are excellent; but he makes them excellent, and because he has chosen them.
—Jonathan Edwards
Oh that we may suffer only as christians, and then the spirit of CHRIST and of glory will rest upon us.
—George Whitefield
Christ is not only a remedy for your weariness and trouble, but he will give you an abundance of the contrary, joy and delight.
—Jonathan Edwards
If all wisdom be laid up in him, and by an interest in him only to be attained, – if all things beside him and without him that lay claim thereto are folly and vanity, – let them that would be wise learn where to repose their souls.
—John Owen
You need not wish for the wings of a dove that you may fly afar off, and be at rest, but Christ is night at hand, if you were but sensible of it.
—Jonathan Edwards
Let not our dear LORD’s lambs perish for lack of knowledge. ‘Give ye, give ye them to eat,’ methinks, is the endearing, constraining command of the great shepherd and bishop of souls.
—George Whitefield
Scarcely have any *wise* men been brought to destruction, but it hath evidently been through their own *folly*; neither hath the wisest counsel of most been one jot better than madness.
—John Owen
If you do not come to Christ, you must either continue still weary and burdened, or, which is worse, you must return to your old dead sleep, to a state of stupidity; and not only so, but you must be everlastingly wearied with God’s wrath.
—Jonathan Edwards
Were not men so wise, the world, perhaps, would be more quiet, when the end of wisdom is to keep it in quietness.
—John Owen
Nothing will so much enforce your arguments as a life exactly conformable to the holy JESUS.
—George Whitefield
The law can bring forth no righteousness, no obedience; it is weak to any such purpose, by reason of the flesh, and that corruption that is come on us.
—John Owen
There is no remedy but in Jesus Christ; there is nothing else will give you true quietness.
—Jonathan Edwards
Why hath GOD called us by his free grace, and made a difference between us and others, but that we should stand up in defence of his injured honour?
—George Whitefield
When the sinner comes to Christ, it is all at once taken away, and the soul is left free, it is lightened of its burden, it is delivered from its bondage, and is like a bird escaped from the snare of the fowler.
—Jonathan Edwards
Remember what our LORD hath said: ‘Whosoever receiveth not the kingdom of GOD, as a little child, shall in no-wise enter therein.’
—George Whitefield
God hath set him forth to declare his righteousness for the forgiveness of sin; he hath made way in him for ever to exalt the glory of his pardoning mercy to sinners.
—John Owen
Do not, my dear brother, I beseech you, dispute against your own happiness.
—George Whitefield
In Christ the very nature of God is discovered to be love and kindness; and that he will exercise the same to sinners, he hath promised, sworn and solemnly engaged himself by covenant.
—John Owen
He gives that strength whereby he lifts up the hands that hang down, and strengthens the feeble knees.
—Jonathan Edwards
Give GOD your hearts, your whole hearts; let JESUS CHRIST’s be your whole wisdom, your whole righteousness; and then he will be your whole sanctification and eternal redemption.
—George Whitefield
Gospel grace and pardoning mercy is alone purchased by him, and revealed in him.
—John Owen
Through Christ, come to God the Father, from whom you have departed by sin.
—Jonathan Edwards
Christ gives his Spirit, that calms the mind, and is like a refreshing breeze of wind.
—Jonathan Edwards
The delight he takes in the fruit of the Spirit is unspeakable.
—John Owen
Simplicity is the very spirit of the gospel; therefore, the more we learn CHRIST, the more regardless we shall be of worldly vanities.
—George Whitefield
There is no *saving knowledge of any property of God*, nor such as brings *consolation*, but what alone is to be had in Christ Jesus, being laid up in him, and manifested by him.
—John Owen