The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
—Albert Einstein
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
—Albert Einstein
Blessed be thy name for ever, that thou art God, and that thou wilt glorify thyself. O that the whole world might glorify thee! O let these poor people be brought to know thee, and love thee, for the glory of thy dear ever-blessed name!
—David Brainerd
Oh, how I longed to be with Christ, to be employed in the glorious work of angels, and with an angel’s freedom, vigour, and delight! And yet how willing was I to stay awhile on earth, that I might do something, if the Lord pleased, for his interest in the world!
—David Brainerd
I poured out my soul for all the world, friends, and enemies.
—David Brainerd
O that the Lord would be my support and comforter in an evil world!
—David Brainerd
Lord, if it be most for thy glory, let me proceed in it; but if thou seest that it will in any wise hinder my usefulness in thy cause, oh prevent my proceeding…all I want, respecting this world, is such circumstances as may best capacitate me to do service for God in the world.
—David Brainerd
Whence arises all that order and beauty we see in the world?
—Isaac Newton
I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world.
—Blaise Pascal
Unite with a church that has a real active interest in the salvation of the lost, where young Christians are looked after and helped, where minister and people have a love for the poor and outcast, a church that regards its mission in the world to seek and save the lost.”
—R. A. Torrey
The world has turned its back on God.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
There are some people who have lived forty or fifty years in the world, and have had scarcely one hour’s discourse with their own hearts.
—John Flavel
Is the world in trouble or not?
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
A man never gets acquainted with himself, but is always a surprise. We get news daily of the world within.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Why is the world at it is, and why are we ever guilty of sin? It is because we do not realize the holy character of God.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Many attempt to be disciples of Jesus and not let the world know it. To be a secret disciple means to be no disciple at all. If one really has received Christ he cannot keep it to himself.
—R. A. Torrey
The world cannot, and never could, satisfy a hungry soul. The Lord Jesus can.
—D. L. Moody
The world itself is proving the Bible’s fundamental postulate that men and women, in and of themselves, cannot arrive at the truth concerning their greatest needs.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
My friends, I tell you it makes all the difference in the world whether a man believes a truth or a lie.
—D. L. Moody
The essential principle is that history can be understood only in terms of God’s kingdom-that is, the rule of God in the world as a whole and including the Church.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The world will be saved by beauty.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.
—Aldous Huxley
Faith in him will enable you to overcome the world, and cause you even to triumph over the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
—George Whitefield
Where one thousand are destroyed by the world’s frowns — ten thousand are destroyed by the world’s smiles. The world, siren-like, sings us and sinks us!
Thomas Brooks
“The world never helps the church; it is all in arms against it; there is nothing in the world’s air or soil that can fertilise the church even to the least degree.”
– Charles Spurgeon
See that you build upon nothing below Christ! See that you have a real interest in Christ. See that you die daily to sin, to the world, and to your own righteousness.
Thomas Brooks
God’s regenerating power is greater than the strength of the world, Hell, or man’s wicked heart. He can draw the worst sinners to Christ.
Simeon Ashe
O may I grow in fear and love in desire to change worlds, in devotedness to Christ and his service.
—William Wilberforce
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
—Oscar Wilde
It is easier to conquer than to administer. With enough leverage, a finger could overturn the world; but to support the world, one must have the shoulders of Hercules.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau