Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.
—William Wilberforce
… until we truly humble ourselves, forgetting other people, and those who are worse than we are, until we see ourselves as we are in the sight of God, and confess our sins and come it ourselves into His Almighty hands, we have no right to look for peace and happiness.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Own thyself guilty of eternal death; and renounce all hope of ever being able to save thyself. Be it all thy hope, to be washed in His blood, and purified by His Spirit, who Himself bore all thy sins in His own body upon the tree.
—John Wesley
I don’t object to seeing men weep over their sins. I don’t know why it is not manly for a man to weep over his sins. It is more manly than to trifle with salvation, and make light of serious things. A great many men seem to be ashamed to shed tears over their sins.
—D. L. Moody
Oh, methinks, if he would punish me for my sins, it would not wound my heart so deep to offend him: but though I sin continually, yet he continually repeats his kindness to me! Oh, methinks I could bear any sufferings; but how can I bear to grieve and dishonour this blessed God!
—David Brainerd
Men say they don’t want to give up their freedom. There is no freedom until a man knows the Lord Jesus Christ. A man is slave to sin, to his passions and lusts until Christ snaps the fetters and sets him free.
—D. L. Moody
When He shouted on the cross, “It is finished!” it was the shout of a conqueror. He had overcome every enemy. He had met sin and death. He had met every foe that you and I have got to meet, and had come off victor.
—D. L. Moody
By the grace of God, know thyself. Know and feel that thou wast shapen in wickedness, and in sin did thy mother conceive thee; and that thou thyself hast been heaping sin upon sin, ever since thou couldst discern good from evil.
—John Wesley
While your sins are as deep as the ocean, the atonement that swallows them up is as deep as eternity, and on the ground of Christ’s atoning death there is pardon to-night for the vilest sinner in Bingley Hall, for the vilest sinner on the face of this earth.
—R. A. Torrey
All men, according to Paul, are dead in sin. Salvation, then, can come only by a new creation.
—J. Gresham Machen
It’s stupid for one person to consider himself better than other people, but it’s even stupider for an entire nation to consider itself better than other nations. And every nation, the majority of every nation, lives in this stupid and harmful sin.
—Leo Tolstoy
It’s stupid for one person to consider himself better than other people, but it’s even stupider for an entire nation to consider itself better than other nations. And every nation, the majority of every nation, lives in this stupid and harmful sin.
—Leo Tolstoy
If he will bring to our remembrance the promises of Christ for our consolation, neither Satan nor man, sin nor world, nor death, shall interrupt our comfort.
—John Owen
“The Lord Jesus came to remove the penalty, power, and presence of sin.”
“We want experienced men and women to talk to converted children, and to tell them what the Lord has done for them, and what have been their dangers, their sins, their sorrows, and their comforts.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“We want experienced men and women to talk to converted children, and to tell them what the Lord has done for them, and what have been their dangers, their sins, their sorrows, and their comforts.”
– Charles Spurgeon
The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin.
That is his punishment.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
“God will never bring to mind again the sin of that man who he has pardoned.”
— Charles Spurgeon
“All of my sins have been forever obliterated by the blood of Christ.”
— Charles Spurgeon
Without the consciousness of sin, the whole of the gospel will seem to be an idle tale.
—J. Gresham Machen
“Our sins are gone. He cast them into his own tomb, and they are buried there, never to have a resurrection.”
— Charles Spurgeon
When He shouted on the cross, “It is finished!” it was the shout of a conqueror. He had overcome every enemy. He had met sin and death. He had met every foe that you and I have got to meet, and had come off victor.
—D. L. Moody
The world is lying in misery, we ourselves are sinners, men are perishing in sin every day. The gospel is the sole means of escape.
—J. Gresham Machen
While your sins are as deep as the ocean, the atonement that swallows them up is as deep as eternity, and on the ground of Christ’s atoning death there is pardon to-night for the vilest sinner in Bingley Hall, for the vilest sinner on the face of this earth.
—R. A. Torrey
Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.
—William Wilberforce
The strongest proof of God’s love is that He gave Christ to die for our sins. That cross testifies of the love of God for this world.
—D. L. Moody
Own thyself guilty of eternal death; and renounce all hope of ever being able to save thyself. Be it all thy hope, to be washed in His blood, and purified by His Spirit, who Himself bore all thy sins in His own body upon the tree.
—John Wesley
Are you tried by your sin?
Jesus rose for your justification.
Does Satan accuse?
Jesus rose to be your advocate.
Do infirmities hinder?
The living Christ will show himself strong on your behalf.
Do you dread death?
Jesus has vanquished the last enemy.”
— Charles Spurgeon
“Farewell, thou deadly love of sin; we have done with thee! Farewell, dead world, corrupt world; we have done with thee! Christ has raised us. Christ has given us eternal life.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“Sin and sorrow cannot be divorced.
Holiness and happiness cannot be separated.”
— Charles Spurgeon