
It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy’s one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

—Sun Tzu

I’m ashamed to recall how often I failed to live according to my conscience and instead submitted to foolish customs and rules that everyone else accepts.

—Leo Tolstoy

Articles or rules for doctrine or practice in matters of religion to be imposed upon men, should be as few as may be; there is very great danger in the unnecessary multiplying them. This in all ages has caused division and exceeding disturbances in the churches of Christ.

—Jeremiah Burroughs

Articles or rules for doctrine or practice in matters of religion to be imposed upon men, should be as few as may be; there is very great danger in the unnecessary multiplying them. This in all ages has caused division and exceeding disturbances in the churches of Christ.

—Jeremiah Burroughs

From the anger aimed at people, as a rule, the evildoer himself suffers.

—Taras Shevchenko