
Do nothing on which you cannot pray for a blessing. Every action of a Christian that is good, is sanctified by the word and prayer. It becomes not a Christian to do anything so trivial, that he cannot pray over it.

—John Wesley

It is quite the fashion to contemptuously contrast the pray-ers with the do-ers – forgetting that in the history of the church the real do-ers have been the pray-ers, that those who have done the most in the church’s history have been, without exception, men and women of prayer.

—R. A. Torrey

Let your petitions be presented as if you believed in God and had no doubt as to the efficacy of prayer.

Charles Spurgeon

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.”


If a person believes that he can please God with rituals and prayers but not deeds, it means he wants to deceive God, but he only deceives himself.

—Leo Tolstoy

It is quite the fashion to contemptuously contrast the pray-ers with the do-ers – forgetting that in the history of the church the real do-ers have been the pray-ers, that those who have done the most in the church’s history have been, without exception, men and women of prayer.

—R. A. Torrey

“Instead of saying, I would omit prayer if I could, the regenerate mind cries, I wish I could be always praying.”

– Charles Spurgeon

After prayer comes peace—the first answer to prayer is the peace of God which passeth all understanding.

—Amy Carmichael

I do not believe that there is any true revival that is not brought about by a good deal of prayer.

—D. L. Moody

None of us can know how poor we are in comparison with what we might have been if we had lived habitually nearer to God in prayer.

— Charles Spurgeon

Without watchfulness, humiliation, and prayer, the sense of divine things must languish, as much as the grass withers for want of refreshing rains and dews.

—William Wilberforce

“Deliverance follows prayer most surely.”

— Charles Spurgeon

If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now? – C.S. Lewis

“So, if we are afraid that the devil should get in among us let us always in prayer entreat that there may be no space for the devil, because the Lord Jesus Christ fills all, and keeps out the adversary.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Obedience unites us so closely to God that it in a way transforms us into Him, so that we have no other will but His. If obedience is lacking, even prayer cannot be pleasing to God.

—Thomas Aquinas

The reason why so many of our prayers go unanswered is that we are not right ourselves.

—D. L. Moody

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.


Do nothing on which you cannot pray for a blessing. Every action of a Christian that is good, is sanctified by the word and prayer. It becomes not a Christian to do anything so trivial, that he cannot pray over it.

—John Wesley

I don’t think we can ever count on thread being supplied for a pattern He has not planned. Our prayer must be, Protect me from mistaking my desire for Your direction.

—Amy Carmichael

Change me. Renew me. O Christ hear me. I go to prayer.

—William Wilberforce

I go to prayer, humbly throwing myself on the promised mercies of God in Christ.

—William Wilberforce

I will go to prayer though alas I have no heart for it.

—William Wilberforce

If our work prevents us, as it normally does, from having prayer meetings during the day, let us make up for it in some way and see to it that we pray as much as we should.

—AW Tozer

The wise Christian will watch for opportunities to do good, to speak the life-bringing word to sinners, to pray the rescuing prayer of intercession.

—AW Tozer

We should examine our prayers every now and again to discover how much sincerity & spontaneity they possess. We should insist on keeping them simple, candid, fresh & original.

—AW Tozer

In spite of the difficulties we encounter when we pray, prayer is a powerful and effective way to get right, stay right & stay free from error.

—AW Tozer

Many of us want nothing radical or out of the ordinary, and we want God to accommodate us at our convenience. Thus we attach a rider to every prayer, making it impossible for God to answer it.

—AW Tozer

Intensity of prayer is no criterion of its effectiveness. A man may throw himself on his face and sob out his troubles to the Lord & yet have no intention to obey the commandments of Christ.

—AW Tozer

It will take more than talk & prayer to bring revival. There must be a return to the Lord in practice before our prayers will be heard in heaven.

—AW Tozer

He has given us His word; He has placed Himself at our disposal in response to believing prayer; He has made available to us the infinite moral power of His Holy Spirit to enable us to do His will here on earth. There is no excuse for our acting like timid weaklings.

—AW Tozer