Wealth is power. Poverty is weakness. We nurtured weakness. And she turned to us with her scary side.
Reality has become much scarier than any, even tasteless, imagination. And it should be shown that way. The human soul is measured to its full extent, and such that the world did not even suspect. Books and films about our truth, about our people must crackle with horror, suffering, anger and the unheard-of power of the human spirit.
— Oleksandr Dovzhenko
If I, like some people, believed that the success and the future of the Christian Church was dependent upon human ability and power and organization, if I believed that organized campaigns and so on were really going to solve the problem, I would be entirely hopeless.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
If you are ever tempted to think any promise of the Word too large and that you must discount it, remember that Christ is risen and that therein you have a proof and illustration of the “exceeding greatness of the power to us-ward who believe.”
—R. A. Torrey
According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces.
Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
I undertook to conquer myself rather than fortune, and to alter my desires rather than change the order of the world, and to accustom myself to believe that nothing is entirely in our power except our own thoughts.
The Church lives in a hostile world. The power of the Holy Spirit is, therefore, not optional but necessary. Without it the children of God simply cannot live the life of heaven on earth.
—AW Tozer
Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.
—Leo Tolstoy
Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.
—Leo Tolstoy
“The Lord Jesus came to remove the penalty, power, and presence of sin.”
If you see that the organization of society is bad and wish to correct it, you should know that there’s only one way to do it: all people must become better. And in the task of making people better you have power over only one thing: making yourself better.
—Leo Tolstoy
If you see that the organization of society is bad and wish to correct it, you should know that there’s only one way to do it: all people must become better. And in the task of making people better you have power over only one thing: making yourself better.
—Leo Tolstoy
“If there be any doctrine too difficult for a child, it is rather the fault of the teacher’s conception of it than of the child’s power to receive it, provided that child be really converted to God.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“If there be any doctrine too difficult for a child, it is rather the fault of the teacher’s conception of it than of the child’s power to receive it, provided that child be really converted to God.”
– Charles Spurgeon
If you are ever tempted to think any promise of the Word too large and that you must discount it, remember that Christ is risen and that therein you have a proof and illustration of the “exceeding greatness of the power to us-ward who believe.”
—R. A. Torrey
“Let us rise and rest with [Christ]. He is sitting on a throne. Observe his majesty, delight in his power, and trust in his dominion.”
– Charles Spurgeon
Christ calls, and they come forth, the call being accompanied with life and power.
—John Owen
“You have been quickened by God according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies.”
– Charles Spurgeon
Every man with a little leisure and enough money for railway tickets, every man, indeed, who knows how to read, has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.
—Aldous Huxley
The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
—Charlie Chaplin
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
—George Orwell
If you ‘give all diligence’, his power is armed for your protection, his truth is pledged for your security.
—William Wilberforce
The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us
We must meditate daily, prayerfully, profoundly upon the Word if we are to maintain power. Many a man has run dry through its neglect.
Psalm 1:1-2
—R. A. Torrey
“God must melt the heart, must transform it from granite into flesh; and he has the power to do it.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“May the Lord cause his Word to prove its power in us by its making us fruitful unto every good work to do his will.”
— Charles Spurgeon
“The sword of justice hath less power over human hearts than the sceptre of mercy.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“If God takes away the guilt of sin, he is sure at the same time to remove the power of sin.”
– Charles Spurgeon
You cannot understand the glories of the universe without believing there is some Supreme Power behind it.
—Stephen Hawking
Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.
—Oscar Wilde