
A person can live a good life only if he understands that he’s a spiritual being, united with all beings and with Everything. If a person understands himself merely as a physical being, he’ll live only for himself, and someone who lives only for himself cannot live a good life.

—Leo Tolstoy

The more a person lives for his soul rather than his body, the more he feels his unity with all living beings.

—Leo Tolstoy

A person who knows he’s going to die in thirty minutes won’t do anything vain, stupid or, most of all, bad in that last half hour. But isn’t the half-century that might separate you from death the same as thirty minutes?

—Leo Tolstoy

Nothing weakens a person more than hope in something other than his own effort to find salvation and happiness.

—Leo Tolstoy

Respect every person, but respect every child one hundred times more, and take care not to harm the chaste purity of their souls.

—Leo Tolstoy

Faith . . . reaches out in a single act to the person of Christ as well as to Scripture. It embraces Christ as Savior and Scripture as the word of God.

—Herman Bavinck

It is the Spirit of God alone who can make a person inwardly certain of the truth of divine revelation.

—Herman Bavinck

If persons do truly believe in God through the Lord Jesus Christ, no affliction that they meet with shall hurt them.

—Jonathan Edwards

Be the kind of person that you want people to think you are.


Man’s vocation is to serve God and all people, not to serve some people and do evil to others. Therefore a person who understands his vocation cannot consider himself a member of an individual state.

—Leo Tolstoy

Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that match your principles and can bear the bright light of day. Day by day, your choices, your thoughts, your actions fashion the person you become. Your integrity determines your destiny.


The individual’s duty is to do what he wants to do, to think whatever he likes, to be accountable to no one but himself, to challenge every idea and every person.

—Jean-Paul Sartre

Respect every person, but respect every child a hundred times more and take care not to damage the chaste purity of his soul.

—Leo Tolstoy

The envious person grows lean with the fatness of their neighbor.


The philosopher Kant said that two things always astonished and inspired him more and more: the starry sky and the consciousness of the law of kindness that a person recognizes in his soul.

—Leo Tolstoy

It’s easier to enlighten the world’s stupidest person than to enlighten a proud person.

—Leo Tolstoy

A wise person never wants to change his earthly life, because he’s always happy with the life he’s living.

—Leo Tolstoy

An unsanctified person may relish and taste some sweetness in the delicious promises and discoveries of the gospel, by a misapplication of them to himself. But this is like the joy of a beggar, dreaming he is a king; but he awakes and finds himself a beggar still.

—John Flavel

If a person believes that he can please God with rituals and prayers but not deeds, it means he wants to deceive God, but he only deceives himself.

—Leo Tolstoy

If a person believes his strength is in his physical rather than his spiritual life, he’s like a bird that walks from place to place on its pathetic little legs and doesn’t use its wings to fly where it needs to go.

—Leo Tolstoy

It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.


An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.

—Henry Ford

When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world. – C.S. Lewis

An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.

—Aldous Huxley

One of the greatest discoveries a person makes, one of their great surprises, is to find they can do what they were afraid they couldn’t do.

—Henry Ford

Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that match your principles and can bear the bright light of day. Day by day, your choices, your thoughts, your actions fashion the person you become. Your integrity determines your destiny.


Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

—Oscar Wilde

How amiable and beautiful a thing it is to see persons thankful for kindness.

—Jonathan Edwards

If you relate the truth with anger or passion you won’t convince anyone no matter how obvious to you the truth you’re relating is. Relate the truth with kindness and the stupidest person in the world will understand you.

—Leo Tolstoy

The kinder and more rational a person is, the more he recognizes himself in others. A stupid, unkind person thinks that all other people are alien to him. A wise and kind person knows that the most valuable thing within him is also within every other person.

—Leo Tolstoy