
“Christ died, but he is not dead now. He is risen; he has gone up into his glory; he sits upon the throne of God; but, at the same time, by a very real spiritual presence he is with all his people, as he said to his disciples[…]”

Charles Spurgeon

I am what you designed me to be.I am your blade. You cannot now complain if you also feel the hurt.

—Charles Dickens

Now, with God’s help, I shall become myself.

—Søren Kierkegaard

The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.

—Thomas Jefferson

If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now? – C.S. Lewis

When Christ died, the ransom was prepared, the sum laid down; but yet the elect continue still in sin and misery, until, by effectual calling it be actually applied to their persons, and then they are made free, reconciled by Christ’s death, by whom we have now rec’d atonement.

—John Flavel

Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.

—William Shakespeare

The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.

—Leonardo Da Vinci

I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.

—Leonardo Da Vinci

Apply yourself both now and in the next life.

Without effort, you cannot be prosperous.

Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.


What we do now echoes in eternity.

—Marcus Aurelius

O deeps unfathomed as the sea,

O heights that reach beyond the high,

O Love that lavished all on me,

I know Thee now, I know Thee nigh.

O Love that is not here or there,

But like Thine own eternity

Is here, is there, is everywhere,

I yield, I love, I worship Thee.

—Amy Carmichael

Art thou unable to atone for the least of thy sins? He is the propitiation for all thy sins. Now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and all thy sins are blotted out!

—John Wesley

O for a love, for burning love

Like fervent flame of fire;

O for a love, for yearning love,

Love that will never tire;

Lord, in my need I appeal to Thee,

Grant me now my heart’s desire.

—Amy Carmichael

The will of God is a path leading straight to God. The will of man, which once ran parallel with it, is now another path, not only different from it, but in our present state, directly contrary to it: It leads from God.

—John Wesley

My God shall supply all your need according to His riches (Phil. 4:19). We lay those words before our Lord and we say to Him very earnestly, And now, O Lord, do as You have said.

—Amy Carmichael

For with the Redeemer’s birth, peace, and all kind of happiness, come down to dwell on earth: yea, the overflowings of Divine good will and favour are now exercised toward men.

—John Wesley

Allowing that the whole creation now groaneth together under the sin of man, our comfort is, it will not always groan: God will arise and maintain His own cause; and the whole creation shall then be delivered both from moral and natural corruption.

—John Wesley

There was no room for them in the inn — Now also, there is seldom room for Christ in an inn.

—John Wesley

Lo! God is here! not afar off. Now believe and feel him near!

—John Wesley

So let us praise Him now, though it may be from under the harrow, from the depths, from anywhere. We shall never have the chance again to love Him in the peace of a great contentment, with the word ringing in our ear, And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in Me.

—Amy Carmichael

Oh may God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, so shine through us now, that something of Him may be seen and felt by the people pressing around us!

—Amy Carmichael

Milner has now been reading Baxter’s sermon on self examination to us, a truly humbling one to me.

—William Wilberforce

I have sadly neglected the cultivation of my natural talents. Let me now attend to it, imploring the divine blessing. I will form a plan of study and exercise, having a special reference to the faults of my intellect, whether natural or superinduced.

—William Wilberforce

O may God through Christ and by the Spirit enable me now to live in faith and by love.

—William Wilberforce

We should examine our prayers every now and again to discover how much sincerity & spontaneity they possess. We should insist on keeping them simple, candid, fresh & original.

—AW Tozer

The Holy Spirit is not a luxury, not something added now and again to produce a deluxe type of Christian once in a generation. No, He is for every child of God a vital necessity

—AW Tozer

People desire to make God a dead God, in order to be able to deal with him according to their pleasure. But the Holy Scripture calls to man: You have gone astray; God exists. He is the true God; he lives, now and forever.

—Herman Bavinck

Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take what’s left and live it properly. What doesn’t transmit light creates its own darkness.

—Marcus Aurelius