“I apply the Abraham Lincoln test for moral casuistry: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” Well, then, if waterboarding does not constitute t…
I look at the blue Dnipro, listen to the lapping of the waves. There is nothing more expensive in the world for me. I don't want to and will not part with my river under any circumstances. And if I was destined to do something else beautiful and great in life, then only on its gentle and clean shores…
A nut without a kernel is nothing, just like a person without a heart.
— Hryhoriy Skovoroda
“Without labor nothing prospers.” — Sophocles
One always dies too soon — or too late. And yet one’s whole life is complete at that moment, with a line drawn neatly under it, ready for the summing up. You are — your life, and nothing else.
—Jean-Paul Sartre
Do nothing on which you cannot pray for a blessing. Every action of a Christian that is good, is sanctified by the word and prayer. It becomes not a Christian to do anything so trivial, that he cannot pray over it.
—John Wesley
The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and her culture.
At the beginning of the journey to the next world, one’s education and culture can either provide the greatest assistance, or else act as the greatest burden, to the person who has just died.
The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do. And the Spirit can do nothing of himself; but what he hears from the Father and Son; and it is impossible it should be otherwise, considering not only the unity of their nature, but also of their will and design.
—John Flavel
I undertook to conquer myself rather than fortune, and to alter my desires rather than change the order of the world, and to accustom myself to believe that nothing is entirely in our power except our own thoughts.
All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose; but when it is necessary, speak—and speak in such a way that people will remember it.
—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Nothing happens while you live. The scenery changes, people come in and go out, that’s all. There are no beginnings. Days are tacked on to days without rhyme or reason, an interminable, monotonous addition.
—Jean-Paul Sartre
Since the fall of man the earth has been a disaster area & everyone lives with a critical emergency. Nothing is normal. Everything is wrong & everyone is wrong until made right by the redeeming work of Christ & the effective operation of the Holy Spirit.
—AW Tozer
I longed to make some returns to God; but found I had nothing to return: I could only rejoice, that God had done the work himself; and that none in heaven or earth might pretend to share the honour of it with him.
—David Brainerd
Christ’s humiliation and sufferings are a most complete and sufficient meritorious cause of our salvation, to which nothing can be added to make it more apt, and able to procure our salvation, than it already is.
—John Flavel
It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer.
—Arthur Schopenhauer
“It’s worth reminding ourselves from time to time that gyrations in a stock price may tell us absolutely nothing about the prospects of the company involved.”
“Without labor nothing prospers.”
— Sophocles
The people of England regards itself as free; but it is grossly mistaken; it is free only during the election of members of parliament. As soon as they are elected, slavery overtakes it, and it is nothing.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.
—Leo Tolstoy
Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.
—Leo Tolstoy
If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up.
Moreover, nothing then would be immoral, everything would be lawful, even cannibalism.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
In truth, laws are always useful to those with possessions and harmful to those who have nothing; from which it follows that the social state is advantageous to men only when all possess something and none has too much.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I, though hell-deserving, am a living witness of his good providence; having nothing, I possess all things
—George Whitefield
They are not only idle who do nothing, but they are idle also who might be better employed.
“It is ours to make doctrine simple; this is to be a main part of our work. Teach the little ones the whole truth and nothing but the truth; for instruction is the great want of the child’s nature.”
“It is ours to make doctrine simple; this is to be a main part of our work. Teach the little ones the whole truth and nothing but the truth; for instruction is the great want of the child’s nature.”
– Charles Spurgeon
If the world has nothing to say against you, it is a pretty sure sign that God has not much to say for you, for if you do seek to live unto Christ Jesus, you must go against the current of the world.
—D. L. Moody
“I have nothing to fear;
I cannot be condemned.”
— Charles Spurgeon
How becoming a thing is it that we should love and bless God, seeing he does so much for us and requires nothing also as a return but the sacrifices of thanksgiving.
—Jonathan Edwards
If you want to be intelligent, learn to ask rationally, listen carefully, answer calmly, and stop talking when there’s nothing more to say. Johann Lavater
—Leo Tolstoy