
Knowing God in Christ brings with it eternal life, imperturbable joy, and heavenly blessedness. These are not merely effects, but the knowing of God is itself immediately a new, eternal, and blessed life.

—Herman Bavinck

How often, as we ponder some new tender mercy, so undeserved, so dewy with the freshness of love that we long for words of glory to sing that love, we can only say, Lord, Thou knowest me. I am all open unto Thee—and yet Thou hast done this.

—Amy Carmichael

The teaching of the New Testament is that God and spiritual things can be known finally only by a direct work of God within the soul. The true understanding of God must be by personal spiritual awareness. The Holy Spirit is indispensable.

—AW Tozer

It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer.

—Arthur Schopenhauer

“Everything is in a constant state of change, and the wise investor recognizes that success is a process of continually seeking answers to new questions.”

— Sir John Templeton

“Before looking at new investments, we consider adding to old ones. If a business is attractive enough to buy once, it may well pay to repeat the process.”

Warren Buffett

A new and more powerful proclamation of the law is perhaps the most pressing need of the hour… A low view of law always brings legalism into religion; a high view of law makes man a seeker after grace. Pray that the high view may prevail.

—J. Gresham Machen

A new and more powerful proclamation of the law is perhaps the most pressing need of the hour… A low view of law always brings legalism into religion; a high view of law makes man a seeker after grace. Pray that the high view may prevail.

—J. Gresham Machen

All men, according to Paul, are dead in sin. Salvation, then, can come only by a new creation.

—J. Gresham Machen

People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact.

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

The student of the New Testament should be primarily an historian.

—J. Gresham Machen

It is utterly impossible to make a man better without Christ, and that is what men are trying to do. They are trying to patch up this old Adam’s nature. There must be a new creation.

—D. L. Moody

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


How often, as we ponder some new tender mercy, so undeserved, so dewy with the freshness of love that we long for words of glory to sing that love, we can only say, Lord, Thou knowest me. I am all open unto Thee—and yet Thou hast done this.

—Amy Carmichael

A Christianity that avoids argument is not the Christianity of the New Testament.

—J. Gresham Machen

“So that by virtue of our rising in Christ we have received life and have become the subjects of a wondrous change,— old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Charles Spurgeon

“Now, beloved, you are new creatures, the produce of a second birth, begotten again in Christ Jesus unto newness of life.”

– Charles Spurgeon

we know absolutely nothing about an atonement that is not a vicarious atonement, for that is the only atonement of which the New Testament speaks.

—J. Gresham Machen

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above and the moral law within.

—Immanuel Kant

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

—George Orwell

“The teachings of the New Testament are as sound and true today as they were eighteen hundred years ago.”

— Charles Spurgeon

Christian experience is rightly used when it helps to convince us that the events narrated in the New Testament actually did occur.

—J. Gresham Machen

He that walks in the light of new obedience, he hath communion with God, and in his presence is fulness of joy for ever; without it, there is nothing but darkness, and wandering, and confusion.

—John Owen

It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer.

—Arthur Schopenhauer

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

Money is a new form of slavery, distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that there’s no human relation between master and slave.

—Leo Tolstoy

New prejudices will serve as well as old ones to harness the great unthinking masses.

—Immanuel Kant

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.


A new and more powerful proclamation of the law is perhaps the most pressing need of the hour…

—J. Gresham Machen

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more seriously reflection concentrates upon them: the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me.

—Immanuel Kant