There is separation in all my films. The heroes say goodbye, hurrying somewhere far away, forward, to another life – unknown, but charming, better. They say goodbye hastily and carelessly and, pulling away, do not look back. This is my mother. Born for songs, she cried all her life, saying goodbye forever.
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
— Abraham Lincoln
By the grace of God, know thyself. Know and feel that thou wast shapen in wickedness, and in sin did thy mother conceive thee; and that thou thyself hast been heaping sin upon sin, ever since thou couldst discern good from evil.
—John Wesley
Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.
—Thomas Aquinas
The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds.
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.
—Oscar Wilde
I say to the universe, Mighty One! thou art not my mother. Return to chaos if thou wilt. I shall still exist. I live.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Every Mother contains her daughter in herself and every daughter her mother and every mother extends backwards into her mother and forwards into her daughter.
—Carl Jung
“Grace is the mother and nurse of holiness, and not the apologist of sin.”
By the grace of God, know thyself. Know and feel that thou wast shapen in wickedness, and in sin did thy mother conceive thee; and that thou thyself hast been heaping sin upon sin, ever since thou couldst discern good from evil.
—John Wesley
All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of Experience, the mother of all Knowledge.
—Leonardo Da Vinci
Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own.
For those to whom God is Father, the church may also be Mother ~ Calvin (Institutes 4:1:1)
Our strength will fail us. The strength of our friends will fail us. If we trust in our money it will take wings and fly away. If we trust in the love of our friends, they will leave us. A mother may forget her child, but God will never forget us.
—D. L. Moody
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.
—George Washington
Sooner shall a tender mother sit inattentive to her crying infant than Jesus be an unconcerned spectator of his suffering children.
—John Newton
A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror.
—Sigmund Freud
Ukraine, Ukraine! My heart, my mother! When I remember your fate, my heart will weep!
—Taras Shevchenko
Nice privacy! Nothing in life can be sweeter, more charming than solitude, especially in the face of the smiling, blossoming beauty of Mother Nature. Under its sweet magical charm, a person involuntarily plunges into himself and sees God on earth, as the poet says.
—Taras Shevchenko