The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.
A divine person is the prophecy of the mind; a friend is the hope of the heart.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
—Marcus Aurelius
If you want to pray strategically, in a way which would please God, pray that God might raise up men who see the beauty of the Lord our God & would begin to preach it & hold it out to people, instead of offering peace of mind, deliverance from cigarettes, a better job & cottage.
—A. W. Tozer
God has given us the Holy Spirit to illuminate our minds. He is eyes & understanding to us. We dare not try to get on without Him.
—AW Tozer
Gratitude and joy drove them to do good works before the thought that they had to do them even crossed their mind.
—Herman Bavinck
Just as faith is the fruit of regeneration on the side of the mind, so repentance is the expression of new life on the side of the will.
—Herman Bavinck
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
—Albert Einstein
I find that both mind and body are quickly tired with intenseness and fervour in the things of God. O that I could be as incessant as angels in devotion and spiritual fervour!
—David Brainerd
The Holy Spirit can take a man whose mind is blind to the truth of God, whose will is at enmity with God, whose affections are corrupt and vile, and transform that man, impart to him a new nature, so that he thinks God’s thoughts, love what God loves, and hate what God hates.
—R. A. Torrey
It is important to know the mind of man. It is absolutely essential to know the mind of God. The place to discover the mind of God is the Bible. This is the Book in which God reveals His mind
—R. A. Torrey
Let us bear in mind that nothing is too hard for God, and He delights in doing hard things.
—D. L. Moody
Whatever appears externally, it is not praise if it be not an expression of what is in the mind.
—Jonathan Edwards
It requires a serious mind & a determined heart to pray past the ordinary into the unusual. Most Christians never do.
—AW Tozer
In the small matters trust the mind, in the large ones the heart.
—Sigmund Freud
The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.
—Sigmund Freud
The modern liberal desires to produce upon the minds of simple Christians (and upon his own mind) the impression of some sort of continuity between modern liberalism and the thought and life of the great Apostle. But such an impression is altogether misleading.
—J. Gresham Machen
People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others.
—Blaise Pascal
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God. It is profitable and advantageous. It is health to the mind. The soul is greatly bettered and advantaged by it. It is an exercise that naturally tends to the spiritual life, to strengthen, confirm and increase it.
—Jonathan Edwards
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God. It is profitable and advantageous. It is health to the mind. The soul is greatly bettered and advantaged by it. It is an exercise that naturally tends to the spiritual life, to strengthen, confirm and increase it.
—Jonathan Edwards
Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves.
—Blaise Pascal
Dull minds are never either intuitive or mathematical.
—Blaise Pascal
There are things which a man is afraid to tell even to himself, and every decent man has a number of such things stored away in his mind.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
As it is so strangely ordained in this world, what is amusing will turn into being gloomy, if you stand too long before it, and then God knows what ideas may not stray into the mind… Why is it that even in moments of unthinking, careless gaiety a different and strange mood comes upon one?
—Nikolai Gogol
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.
—Franklin D. Roosevelt
A little of true peace, a little of the joys of the manifested love of Christ, and a little of the true and holy hope of eternal life, are enough to compensate for all that toil and weariness, and to erase the remembrance of it from the mind.
—Jonathan Edwards
There is a wide difference between understanding *the doctrine of the Scripture* as in the letter, and a true knowing the mind of Christ.
—John Owen
Christ gives his Spirit, that calms the mind, and is like a refreshing breeze of wind.
—Jonathan Edwards
Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding.
—John Locke