At that point the enemies saw clear. You may accept the lofty claims of Jesus. You may take Him as very God. Or else you must reject Him as a miserable, deluded enthusiast. There is really no middle ground. Jesus refuses to be pressed into the mould of a mere religious teacher.
—J. Gresham Machen
At that point the enemies saw clear. You may accept the lofty claims of Jesus. You may take Him as very God. Or else you must reject Him as a miserable, deluded enthusiast. There is really no middle ground. Jesus refuses to be pressed into the mould of a mere religious teacher.
—J. Gresham Machen
Knowing God without knowing our wretchedness leads to pride. Knowing our wretchedness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ is the middle course, because in him we find both God and our wretchedness.
—Blaise Pascal
Knowing God without knowing our wretchedness leads to pride. Knowing our wretchedness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ is the middle course, because in him we find both God and our wretchedness.
—Blaise Pascal
And so I believe that the way of peace is found in looking on to the End of the Lord, not in puzzling over the beginning or the middle of His ways.
—Amy Carmichael
Grace is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the entire work of salvation; it is totally devoid of human merit.
—Herman Bavinck
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
—Albert Einstein