Do not distrust His power, or His love! Put His promise to the proof!
—John Wesley
Nothing so surely proves true love as does steadfast faithfulness in holding a loved one to the highest.
—Amy Carmichael
O for a love, for burning love
Like fervent flame of fire;
O for a love, for yearning love,
Love that will never tire;
Lord, in my need I appeal to Thee,
Grant me now my heart’s desire.
—Amy Carmichael
The cross covers, the blood cleanses, and His eternal love will keep that which we have committed unto Him, until that day. Is not this a good word with which to end the year?
—Amy Carmichael
Once again, led by a Star,
Do we come from near and far,
Drawn by Love’s belovèd cords,
Hail our Saviour, Lord of lords.
—Amy Carmichael
Let love not visit you as a transient guest, but be the constant ruling temper of your soul. See that your heart be filled at all times and on all occasions with real, undissembled benevolence; not to those only that love you, but to every soul of man.
—John Wesley
Is it misery to love God? To give Him my heart who alone is worthy of it? Nay, it is the truest happiness; indeed, the only true happiness which is to be found under the sun.
—John Wesley
In this season of much singing, I ask those who love our Lord Jesus to ask very specially for singing hearts. It would be sad if the lovely Christmas hymns and carols sounded only like a noise—even a noise of music—to Him.
—Amy Carmichael
So fear not, you who are like Joseph when the archers shot at him and wounded him (for the archers know all the tenderest places in our souls at which to shoot). Trust the love that upheld Joseph.
—Amy Carmichael
Let us ask that the stillness in which only His lights can shine may be ever around us, the stillness of the calm of His presence. And oh, let us ask that in this dark world we may so shine that others may see to read His love in the face of our loving Jesus.
—Amy Carmichael
Have we a bitter zeal, inciting us to strive sharply and passionately with them that are out of the way? Or is our zeal the flame of love, so as to direct all our words with sweetness, lowliness, and meekness of wisdom?
—John Wesley
I have a Savior; though I sought
Through earth and air and sea,
I could not find a word, a thought,
To show Him worthily.
But planted here in rock and moss
I see the Sign of utmost loss;
I hear a word—On Calvary’s Cross
Love gave Himself for thee.
—Amy Carmichael
It is a petty view of our Father’s love and wisdom which demands or expects an answer according to our desires, apart from His wisdom. We see hardly one inch of the narrow lane of time. To our God eternity lies open as a meadow.
—Amy Carmichael
So let us praise Him now, though it may be from under the harrow, from the depths, from anywhere. We shall never have the chance again to love Him in the peace of a great contentment, with the word ringing in our ear, And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in Me.
—Amy Carmichael
Oh speak and spare not, whatever thou believest may conduce, either to the amending my faults, the strengthening my weakness, the building me up in love, or the making me more fit, in any kind, for the Master’s use!
—John Wesley
And from the time we are accepted through the Beloved, reconciled to God through His blood, He loves, and blesses, and watches over us for good, even as if we had never sinned.
—John Wesley
O may I grow in the fear and love of God and Christ and may I be an habitation of God through the Spirit, 1 Cor 6:1.
—William Wilberforce
O may I spend my time profitably, and above all, may I grow in grace, in love and be made more meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.
—William Wilberforce
Christianity teaches us not to prize human estimation at a very high rate, and thereby provides for the practice of her injunction, to love from the heart those who, justly or unjustly may have attacked our reputation, and wounded our character.
—William Wilberforce
How can we easily love our neighbour as ourselves, if we consider him at the same time as our rival, and are intent upon surpassing him in the pursuit of whatever is the subject of our competition?
—William Wilberforce
How wonderful that a private man should have such an influence on the temporal and eternal happiness of millions; literally, millions on millions yet unborn! O God, make me more earnest for Thy glory; and may I act more from real love and gratitude to my redeeming Lord.
—William Wilberforce
O let me press forward with renewed vigour, laying aside every weight, etc. and growing in heavenly mindedness and love and joy and every Christian grace.
—William Wilberforce
Above all, may the love of Christ constrain me to live no longer to myself, but to him who died and rose again.
—William Wilberforce
O may God through Christ and by the Spirit enable me now to live in faith and by love.
—William Wilberforce
“I do not know how it is that we have been kept together in love, helped to abound in labour, and enabled to be firm in the faith, unless it be that special grace has watched over us.”
– Charles Spurgeon
We must believe that God is love & that, being love, He cannot harm us but must ever do us good. Then we must throw ourselves before Him & pray with boldness for whatever we know our good & His glory require, and the cost is no object!
—AW Tozer
He who has been smitten with the love of God & the wonder of the cross can never again be tolerant in things that touch his soul & the souls of his fellow men. He will live beside, be patient with, minister to, pray for & love anyone, but never will he compromise the truth
I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.
—Marcus Aurelius
That Christian is a happy one who has found a company of true believers in whose heavenly fellowship he can live & love & labor.
— AW Tozer
Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.
—Marcus Aurelius