It is probably impossible to bring people to their senses except by grief and trouble.
The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do. And the Spirit can do nothing of himself; but what he hears from the Father and Son; and it is impossible it should be otherwise, considering not only the unity of their nature, but also of their will and design.
—John Flavel
It is utterly impossible to make a man better without Christ, and that is what men are trying to do. They are trying to patch up this old Adam’s nature. There must be a new creation.
—D. L. Moody
“Can you count the [kingly] drops of his redeeming blood and then go back to live in the iniquity which cost the Lord so dear? Impossible!”
Analysis does not set out to make pathological reactions impossible, but to give the patient’s ego freedom to decide one way or another.
—Sigmund Freud
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
—George Orwell
It is impossible to exist without passion.
—Søren Kierkegaard
The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do. And the Spirit can do nothing of himself; but what he hears from the Father and Son; and it is impossible it should be otherwise, considering not only the unity of their nature, but also of their will and design.
—John Flavel
It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.
—Arthur Schopenhauer
In the end, it is impossible not to become what others believe you are.
—Julius Caesar
It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement — that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.
—Sigmund Freud
It is impossible to exist without passion
—Søren Kierkegaard
So when we are facing the impossible, we can count upon the God of the impossible.
—Amy Carmichael
Oh to know our God so well that all misunderstandings shall be quite impossible! Paul meant a good deal when he said, That I may know Him (Phil. 3:10)
—Amy Carmichael
Nothing is impossible to him that believeth: You can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth you. Do valiantly; and stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free.
—John Wesley
It looked impossible. But we have not to look at things from a human point of view, so that did not matter, and we reckon on God who is at home in impossibilities.
—Amy Carmichael
Should not the very difficulties, the sense of the impregnable, impossible, send us to our knees, and then out to the battle front?
—Amy Carmichael
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.
—Mark Twain
Many of us want nothing radical or out of the ordinary, and we want God to accommodate us at our convenience. Thus we attach a rider to every prayer, making it impossible for God to answer it.
—AW Tozer
Gratitude. It is impossible to be too thankful to God, but it might be good to try it.
—AW Tozer
When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again.
—Albert Einstein
The very greatness of God makes it impossible for us by our own efforts ever to arrive at God.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
People tell us the Bible is full of things that are impossible to believe. I know of nothing else so impossible to believe as that a holy God should love such individuals as you and me, as the Bible says He does. But as impossible as it is to believe, it is true.
—R. A. Torrey
I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self — all your wishes and precautions — to Christ. – C.S. Lewis
It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. Do not ever let anyone claim to be a true American patriot if they ever attempt to separate religion from politics.
—George Washington
It is impossible to read Ukrainian history without bromine.