
Strive, O my soul, to maintain and keep alive impressions, first, of the constant presence of a holy, omniscient, omnipotent, but infinitely merciful and gracious God, of Christ our almighty shepherd, of the Holy Spirit, of the evil one, and the invisible world in general.

—William Wilberforce

For the Holy Spirit comes in the Father’s and in the Son’s name and authority, to put the last hand to the work of our salvation, by bringing all the fruits of election and redemption home to our souls in this work.

—John Flavel

The teaching of the New Testament is that God and spiritual things can be known finally only by a direct work of God within the soul. The true understanding of God must be by personal spiritual awareness. The Holy Spirit is indispensable.

—AW Tozer

All supposed leadings of God should be tested by the Word of God. The Bible is God’s revealed will. Any leading that contradicts the plain teaching of the Bible is certainly not the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself.

—R. A. Torrey

Since the fall of man the earth has been a disaster area & everyone lives with a critical emergency. Nothing is normal. Everything is wrong & everyone is wrong until made right by the redeeming work of Christ & the effective operation of the Holy Spirit.

—AW Tozer

I will press forward and labour to know God better, and love him more, assuredly I may, because God will give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him, and the Holy Ghost will shed abroad the love of God in the heart.

—William Wilberforce

The Church lives in a hostile world. The power of the Holy Spirit is, therefore, not optional but necessary. Without it the children of God simply cannot live the life of heaven on earth.

—AW Tozer

No sooner has a soul escaped than the great Adversary takes steps to ensnare it again. The fiercest attacks are made on the strongest forts, and the fiercer the battle the young believer is called on to wage, the surer evidence it is of the work of the Holy Spirit in his heart.

—D. L. Moody

You will find all through the Scriptures, when men were filled with the Holy Spirit, they preached Christ and not themselves. They preached Christ and Him crucified.

—D. L. Moody

Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.

—Leo Tolstoy

Wise and holy people, the teachers of humanity, simply manifest that which is common to all people. The light they emit is nothing more than the revelation of the power that’s hidden within every human being.

—Leo Tolstoy

In short, Christ and all His benefits, the love of the Father, and the grace of the Son, become our portion only in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

—Herman Bavinck

A soul doth never glorify or honour Christ upon a discovery or sense of the eternal redemption he hath purchased for him, but it is in him a peculiar effect of the Holy Ghost as our comforter.

—John Owen

No sooner does the soul begin to feel the life of a promise warming his heart, relieving, cherishing, supporting, delivering from fear, entanglements, or troubles, but it may, it ought to know that the Holy Ghost is there

—John Owen

No sooner does the soul begin to feel the life of a promise warming his heart, relieving, cherishing, supporting, delivering from fear, entanglements, or troubles, but it may, it ought to know that the Holy Ghost is there

—John Owen

“And, dear friends, do not think because you have other service to do that therefore you should take no interest in this form of holy work[…]”

Charles Spurgeon

“Addict yourselves to the holy work of caring for the feeble and despondent.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Oh quicken me in thy righteousness. Give me all holy affections in their just measure of vigour and force.

—William Wilberforce

“For, first, we were dead in trespasses and sins, but having believed in Christ we have been quickened by the Holy Ghost, and we are dead no longer.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Strive, O my soul, to maintain and keep alive impressions, first, of the constant presence of a holy, omniscient, omnipotent, but infinitely merciful and gracious God, of Christ our almighty shepherd, of the Holy Spirit, of the evil one, and the invisible world in general.

—William Wilberforce

That which is born of, or produced by, the Holy Ghost, in the heart or soul of a man when he is regenerate, that which makes him so, is spirit; in opposition to the flesh, or that enmity which is in us by nature against God.

—John Owen

That which is born of, or produced by, the Holy Ghost, in the heart or soul of a man when he is regenerate, that which makes him so, is spirit; in opposition to the flesh, or that enmity which is in us by nature against God.

—John Owen

“No man ever became holy by chance.

There must be resolve, a desire, a panting after obedience to God, or else we shall never have it.”

— Charles Spurgeon

“Even though you cannot be as holy as you want to be, yet if the ways of holiness are your pleasure, if they are the very element in which you live as much as the fish lives in the sea, then you are the subject of a very wonderful change of heart.”

– Charles Spurgeon

How comely is it for the humble Christian, with his heart full of holy joy and cheerfulness, to enter into his closet and on his knees offer up his heart, a sacrifice, burning in the flame of love.

—Jonathan Edwards

“Blessed be the name of our gracious God, he knows how to erase the evil and to cleanse the soul through his Holy Spirit’s applying the work of Jesus to us.”

– Charles Spurgeon

“When the Holy One smites his own Son, his wrath against sin is evident to all.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Whether you like it or not, whether you understand it or not, sin is what you are guilty of in the sight of this holy God.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

For the Holy Spirit comes in the Father’s and in the Son’s name and authority, to put the last hand to the work of our salvation, by bringing all the fruits of election and redemption home to our souls in this work.

—John Flavel

I will press forward and labour to know God better, and love him more, assuredly I may, because God will give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him, and the Holy Ghost will shed abroad the love of God in the heart.

—William Wilberforce