Be of good hope in the face of death. Believe in this one truth for certain, that no evil can befall a good man either in life or death, and that his fate is not a matter of indifference to the gods.
I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm; then they might have an unlimited power for doing good.
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy.
If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.
Gratitude is a species of love, excited in us by some action of the person for whom we have it, and by which we believe that he has done some good to us, or at least that he has had the intention of doing so.
The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts.
—René Descartes
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well. It is not good enough to have good talent, the main thing is to apply it well
—René Descartes
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.
—René Descartes
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries
—René Descartes
The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
—Sun Tzu
But he felt a deep foreboding that despite all the good around him and perhaps even somewhere within it there still resided something morbid.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.
It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.
‘Tis not a vain thing to praise him. We cannot spend time better for our souls. It doth good to the heart in that manner to be lifted up unto God.
—Jonathan Edwards
I didn’t want to kiss you goodbye — that was the trouble — I wanted to kiss you good night — and there’s a lot of difference.
—Ernest Hemingway
The cross covers, the blood cleanses, and His eternal love will keep that which we have committed unto Him, until that day. Is not this a good word with which to end the year?
—Amy Carmichael
In spite of all opposition, from nature, from the world, from all the powers of darkness, still fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life!
—John Wesley
Do nothing on which you cannot pray for a blessing. Every action of a Christian that is good, is sanctified by the word and prayer. It becomes not a Christian to do anything so trivial, that he cannot pray over it.
—John Wesley
Freely give means to give lavishly. What do I need today? Strength? Peace? Patience? Heavenly joy? Industry? Good temper? Power to help others? Inward contentment? Courage? Whatever it be, my God will lavish it upon me.
—Amy Carmichael
For with the Redeemer’s birth, peace, and all kind of happiness, come down to dwell on earth: yea, the overflowings of Divine good will and favour are now exercised toward men.
—John Wesley
Oh to know our God so well that all misunderstandings shall be quite impossible! Paul meant a good deal when he said, That I may know Him (Phil. 3:10)
—Amy Carmichael
And from the time we are accepted through the Beloved, reconciled to God through His blood, He loves, and blesses, and watches over us for good, even as if we had never sinned.
—John Wesley
Praise the Lord, O my soul for all his goodness.
—William Wilberforce
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
—Mark Twain
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.
—Mark Twain
May I be active and unwearied in doing good and improving my time etc. Amen. Live by faith above all.
—William Wilberforce
There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him. – C.S. Lewis
The good is the beautiful!
The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.