The people will not want reading material about the war that is descriptive. The people need him from the inside, in his suffering, in his doubts, in his struggle, renewal, and to show him the way and prospects. The people must be glorified, pacified, and brought up in goodness, because so much evil has befallen their lot in one generation that would be enough for ten generations.
Let your petitions be presented as if you believed in God and had no doubt as to the efficacy of prayer.
It is hard to prevent oneself from believing what one so keenly desires, and who can doubt that the interest we have in admitting or denying the reality of the Judgement to come determines the faith of most men in accordance with their hopes and fears.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Let all men see that you are risen. So live that there can be no more doubt about your spiritual resurrection than there was about Christ’s literal resurrection.”
– Charles Spurgeon
Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is a ridiculous one.
At the end of the table, the secretary was reading the decision in some case, but in such a mournful and monotonous voice, that the condemned man himself would have fallen asleep while listening to it. The judge, no doubt, would have been the first of all to do so, had he not entered into an engrossing conversation while it was going on.
—Nikolai Gogol
It is with the reading of books the same as with looking at pictures; one must, without doubt, without hesitations, with assurance, admire what is beautiful.
—Vincent Van Gogh
It is hard to prevent oneself from believing what one so keenly desires, and who can doubt that the interest we have in admitting or denying the reality of the Judgement to come determines the faith of most men in accordance with their hopes and fears.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau
If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.
—Sun Tzu
“Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.”
—Jennifer Lopez
If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life to doubt, as far as possible, of all things.
—René Descartes
It is beyond a doubt that all our knowledge begins with experience.
—Immanuel Kant
I think there can be no doubt that the need above all other needs in the Church of God at this moment is the power of the Holy Spirit. More education, better organization, finer equipment, more advanced methods—all are unavailing.
—AW Tozer
Don’t fear ignorance, don’t fear doubt, don’t fear studying, fear one thing: asserting that you know what you don’t.
—Leo Tolstoy
“Whenever a doubt is proposed to me I fall back upon this fact: Jesus did rise from the dead. That is sure.”
— Charles Spurgeon
Rejoice in Christ and resist every temptation to doubt his love as you would resist a temptation to adultery or murder.
—John Newton
Christ has appeared upon earth, and you should go to him with your doubt.
—Jonathan Edwards
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.
—Franklin D. Roosevelt
The law of faith then, in short, is for every one to believe what God requires him to believe, as a condition of the covenant he makes with him: and not to doubt of the performance of his promises.
—John Locke