
You are enlisted under the banner of Christ – ‘Fear not, though the world, and the flesh, and the devil are set in array against you’.

—William Wilberforce

“The devil, the world, and the temptations of life, would soon erase out of the heart all that God had written there if he did not create it anew with the faculty of holding fast that which is good.”

Charles Spurgeon

It is true that in addition to God and the devil in our soul there is something else, so terrible that the heart chills, if you open it even a little.

—Taras Shevchenko

If the devil cannot make a man feel that he is good enough without being saved, then he will tell him he is so bad the Lord will have nothing to do with him.

—D. L. Moody

“We must have the Word of the Lord.

With this Word alone we can withstand the devil.”

— Charles Spurgeon

We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.

—Oscar Wilde

I think the devil doesn’t exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. 

God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man.

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

“So, if we are afraid that the devil should get in among us let us always in prayer entreat that there may be no space for the devil, because the Lord Jesus Christ fills all, and keeps out the adversary.”

– Charles Spurgeon

When reason fails, the devil helps!

—Fyodor Dostoevsky

God’s Word is pure, in spite of the devil, in spite of your fear, in spite of everything.

—R. A. Torrey

The devil moves every stone to destroy Christ’s grace ~ Calvin

The devil thought he was defeating Christ, but Christ was reconciling us to God, defeating the devil and delivering us out of his clutches.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

There is something down in the human heart that is so under the power of the devil that men begin to resist you when you preach Christ; but you may preach everything else but that, and there is no opposition.

—D. L. Moody

Sin is that which makes the devil rejoice.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

We must not allow the devil to take advantage of us, and make us believe that God does not love us because He does not grant all our petitions in the time and way we would have Him do.

—D. L. Moody

The pope, by his lies, thoroughly proves himself the most dear child of the devil, the author and founder of all lies!

Henry Greenwood

Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar. – C.S. Lewis

Do you believe in the Son of GOD? All thing are possible to him that believeth. If the devil therefore continues his assaults, resist him, stedfast in the faith.

—George Whitefield