
So, satisfied with His mercy, let us rejoice and be glad all our days—all these days, this day.

—Amy Carmichael

Go on, go on, thou poor disciple of a poor Master! Do as He did in the days of His flesh!

—John Wesley

Are you sure of living threescore years? Are you sure of living one year, one month, one week, one day? O make haste to live! Surely the man that may die tonight should live today.

—John Wesley

If Jesus built a ship,

She would travel trim;

If Jesus roofed a barn,

No leaks would be left by Him;

If Jesus planted a garden,

He would make it like Paradise;

If Jesus did my day’s work,

It would delight His Father’s eyes.

—Amy Carmichael

What is their power, my Lord, to Thee?

Shadows of fear, oh, flee away;

I hear my Captain calling me—

Where is the night? ’Tis dawn, ’tis day.

—Amy Carmichael

If our work prevents us, as it normally does, from having prayer meetings during the day, let us make up for it in some way and see to it that we pray as much as we should.

—AW Tozer

Jesus walked forth, alive!

I believe that so completely that I believe it all the time. This is not an Easter “thing” that I try to believe once a year. I believe it so fully & so completely that it is a part of my being, every moment of every day.

—AW Tozer

Much religious work is being done these days that will not be accepted or rewarded in that great day. Superior human gifts are being mistaken for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and neither they who exercise these gifts nor the Christian public are aware of the deception.

—AW Tozer

Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretence.

—Marcus Aurelius

The Sabbath is the best of days; no other day is like it. And the church is the meeting of God with His people; no other gathering can take its place or compensate for its loss.

—Herman Bavinck

Not law but gospel, not demand but promise is the center of revelation, even in the days of the old covenant, to which man’s part is to respond in faith and in the walk of faith (Gen. 17:1), just as Paul in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 understood the revelation of God to Abraham.

—Herman Bavinck

My soul was this day, at turns, sweetly set on God: I longed to be with him, that I might behold his glory.

—David Brainerd

…upon a day of thanksgiving kept in this place, I was enabled to recall and recount over the mercies of God, in such a manner as greatly affected me, and filled me with thankfulness and praise.

—David Brainerd

If you will be for Christ, and be His, you must embrace all pains, watchings, and laborings after holiness to the end of your days: holiness will cost a Christian abundance of labor, but this you must do, or you cannot be Christians.

—John Flavel

If he (the truly gracious soul) and his God have not met in secret and had some communion in the morning, he sensibly finds it in the deadness and unprofitableness of his heart and life all the day after.

—John Flavel

A true minister of the gospel will feed us on the Word of God, but that is not enough. He feeds us but one or two days of the week, and we need to be fed every day.

—R. A. Torrey

Still good advice (whether pocket Bibles or phones):

In everyone’s life many minutes each day are lost, waiting for meals, riding on trains, etc. … Carry a pocket Bible with you, and save those golden moments by putting them to the very best use, listening to the voice of God.

—R. A. Torrey

Begin the day with thanksgiving and prayer. Thanksgiving for the definite mercies of the past, prayer for the definite needs of the present day.

—R. A. Torrey

We live in a day in which false doctrine abounds on every hand and the only Christian who is safe from being led into error is the one who studies his Bible for himself daily.

—R. A. Torrey

Close the day with thanksgiving and prayer. Review all the blessings of the day and thank God in detail for them. Nothing goes farther to increase faith in God and in His Word than a calm review at the close of each day of what God has done for you that day.

—R. A. Torrey

Stop in the midst of the bustle and hurry and temptation of the day for thanksgiving and prayer. A few minutes spent alone with God at midday will go far to keep you calm in the midst of the worries and anxieties of modern life.

—R. A. Torrey

We are living in very strange days. Some people tell us it does not make any difference what a man believes in if he is only sincere. No greater delusion ever came out of the pit of hell than that. It is ruining more souls at present than anything else.

—D. L. Moody

“To this very day, the ungodly are afraid of Christ, and, often, their raging against him resembles the noise made by the boy who, when hurrying through the graveyard, whistles to keep his courage up.”

Charles Spurgeon

The church is a divine institution, built by Jesus Christ Himself. It is the one institution that abides. Other institutions come and go; they do their work for the day and disappear, but the church will continue to the end.

—R. A. Torrey

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror. – C.S. Lewis

We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.

—Friedrich Nietzsche

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.

—Charles Dickens

“Seek all knowledge, but, above all, meditate day and night on the law of the Lord.”

— Charles Spurgeon

A day wasted on others is not wasted on one’s self.

—Charles Dickens