Mountain shall not cross paths with another mountain, but a man will cross paths with another man.
He who has been smitten with the love of God & the wonder of the cross can never again be tolerant in things that touch his soul & the souls of his fellow men. He will live beside, be patient with, minister to, pray for & love anyone, but never will he compromise the truth
Men don’t like to have Christ preached faithfully; but it is just what they don’t like to have that we must give them. I learned that long ago. The very truths that men object to, and that make them angry, are the truths that bring them to the cross of Christ.
—D. L. Moody
Cross and crown, death and resurrection, humiliation and exaltation lie on the same line. As Jesus Himself put it after His resurrection: It was necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and so enter His glory (Luke 24:26).
—Herman Bavinck
When He shouted on the cross, “It is finished!” it was the shout of a conqueror. He had overcome every enemy. He had met sin and death. He had met every foe that you and I have got to meet, and had come off victor.
—D. L. Moody
I have a Savior; though I sought
Through earth and air and sea,
I could not find a word, a thought,
To show Him worthily.
But planted here in rock and moss
I see the Sign of utmost loss;
I hear a word—On Calvary’s Cross
Love gave Himself for thee.
—Amy Carmichael
“We shall trust everything in those dear hands that were nailed to the cross for us.”
When He shouted on the cross, “It is finished!” it was the shout of a conqueror. He had overcome every enemy. He had met sin and death. He had met every foe that you and I have got to meet, and had come off victor.
—D. L. Moody
Cross and crown, death and resurrection, humiliation and exaltation lie on the same line. As Jesus Himself put it after His resurrection: It was necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and so enter His glory (Luke 24:26).
—Herman Bavinck
The strongest proof of God’s love is that He gave Christ to die for our sins. That cross testifies of the love of God for this world.
—D. L. Moody
I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street.
—Stephen Hawking
A man cannot possibly be an “evangelical” or a “conservative” (or, as he himself would say, simply a Christian) and regard the Cross of Christ as a trifle.
—J. Gresham Machen
“[…]there is pardon for the greatest guilt through faith in Jesus Christ, — that his precious blood, shed on Calvary’s cross, is able to cleanse from all sin of every kind, and that as many as believe in him are saved.”
– Charles Spurgeon
In Christ, justice and mercy embrace, suffering is the road to glory, the cross points to a crown, and the timber of the cross becomes the tree of life.
—Herman Bavinck
Men don’t like to have Christ preached faithfully; but it is just what they don’t like to have that we must give them. I learned that long ago. The very truths that men object to, and that make them angry, are the truths that bring them to the cross of Christ.
—D. L. Moody
Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.
The cross covers, the blood cleanses, and His eternal love will keep that which we have committed unto Him, until that day. Is not this a good word with which to end the year?
—Amy Carmichael
And in the one kind or the other, every follower of Christ will surely have need to take up his cross daily.
—John Wesley
I have a Savior; though I sought
Through earth and air and sea,
I could not find a word, a thought,
To show Him worthily.
But planted here in rock and moss
I see the Sign of utmost loss;
I hear a word—On Calvary’s Cross
Love gave Himself for thee.
—Amy Carmichael
Take up your cross daily: Regard no pain, if it lies in your way to him.
—John Wesley
An hour at the foot of the Cross steadies the soul as nothing else can.
—Amy Carmichael
He who has been smitten with the love of God & the wonder of the cross can never again be tolerant in things that touch his soul & the souls of his fellow men. He will live beside, be patient with, minister to, pray for & love anyone, but never will he compromise the truth
The Kingdom of God will include everything in heaven and on earth. By the blood of the cross, Christ has reconciled all things to himself and thus to each other (Col. 1:20). Under him as the Head, everything will be gathered into one and recapitulated in him (Eph. 1:10).
—Herman Bavinck
There on the cross our Lord was reconciling us unto God.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
…this is the devil’s great blunder, that by bringing the Son of God to the cross he was defeating himself, and bringing about his own ultimate doom.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Do you say, “Have you never sinned?” Alas, I have. Sinned so deeply that none of you will ever know, thank God. But thank God still more, when Jesus Christ was nailed to yonder Cross of Calvary, all my sins were settled.
—R. A. Torrey
Christ is the anointed one, the sent one. God sent Him to deal in grace with men; and if you want the God of all grace to meet you and bless you, you must meet Him at the foot of the cross; you must meet Him in Christ.
—D. L. Moody
Have you ever been filled with a sense of amazement and wonder at the drama of the cross?
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones
No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Christ and a dungeon, Christ and a cross, is infinitely sweeter than a crown, a sceptre without him
—John Owen