
If I, like some people, believed that the success and the future of the Christian Church was dependent upon human ability and power and organization, if I believed that organized campaigns and so on were really going to solve the problem, I would be entirely hopeless.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Unite with a church that has a real active interest in the salvation of the lost, where young Christians are looked after and helped, where minister and people have a love for the poor and outcast, a church that regards its mission in the world to seek and save the lost.”

—R. A. Torrey

The treasure of merit is therefore not deposited by Christ anywhere on earth, not in the hands of a pope or a priest, not in a church or a sacrament; but the treasure of merit lies solely with and in Christ himself.

—Herman Bavinck

It is quite the fashion to contemptuously contrast the pray-ers with the do-ers – forgetting that in the history of the church the real do-ers have been the pray-ers, that those who have done the most in the church’s history have been, without exception, men and women of prayer.

—R. A. Torrey

At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

There is one thing that I fear more than anything else, and that is the dead, cold formalism of the Church of God. So many of us are just sleeping and slumbering while souls are perishing. Some are beginning to rub our eyes and get them half-opened, but as a whole we are asleep.

—D. L. Moody

The Church lives in a hostile world. The power of the Holy Spirit is, therefore, not optional but necessary. Without it the children of God simply cannot live the life of heaven on earth.

—AW Tozer

Christ is the head of every believer, of every local congregation, and also of the church as a whole.

—Herman Bavinck

The treasure of merit is therefore not deposited by Christ anywhere on earth, not in the hands of a pope or a priest, not in a church or a sacrament; but the treasure of merit lies solely with and in Christ himself.

—Herman Bavinck

All the benefits that Christ by his Spirit gives to the church and to every believer can be summarized under one word: grace (John 1:16). But this one word implies a wealth of blessings.

—Herman Bavinck

At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

“As soon as a person is converted and added to the church he should become the object of the care and kindness of his fellow members.”

Charles Spurgeon

“I say therefore, this morning, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to all of you who love him, Look well to the weak ones of the church.”

– Charles Spurgeon

According to Christian belief, man exists for the sake of God; according to the liberal Church, in practice if not in theory, God exists for the sake of man.

—J. Gresham Machen

It is quite the fashion to contemptuously contrast the pray-ers with the do-ers – forgetting that in the history of the church the real do-ers have been the pray-ers, that those who have done the most in the church’s history have been, without exception, men and women of prayer.

—R. A. Torrey

The worse people’s lives are, the more they surround themselves with external affectations: fine clothes, temples, palaces, parades, social events, church services, processions, séances, and speeches.

—Leo Tolstoy

When we bring the Church down to the level of the world to reach the world, we are losing all the while and grieving the Spirit of God.

—D. L. Moody

The very existence of the Christian church is a mighty testimony to the resurrection of our Lord.

—J. Gresham Machen

“Dwell with us, Lord, as a church and people: by thy Holy Spirit reside with us and in us, and never depart from us, and then no root of bitterness shall spring up to trouble us.”

– Charles Spurgeon

The church must seek to conquer not merely every man for Christ, but also the whole of man.

—J. Gresham Machen

In proportion as vital Christianity can be revived, in that same proportion the church establishment is strengthened

—William Wilberforce

The Church lives in a hostile world. The power of the Holy Spirit is, therefore, not optional but necessary. Without it the children of God simply cannot live the life of heaven on earth.

—AW Tozer

Men who do not pray have no right to direct church affairs.

—AW Tozer

I think there can be no doubt that the need above all other needs in the Church of God at this moment is the power of the Holy Spirit. More education, better organization, finer equipment, more advanced methods—all are unavailing.

—AW Tozer

The Sabbath is the best of days; no other day is like it. And the church is the meeting of God with His people; no other gathering can take its place or compensate for its loss.

—Herman Bavinck

Where God’s Word is, there is God Himself, there God’s Spirit is at work, there God establishes His covenant, there He plants His church.

—Herman Bavinck

Oh, how I delighted to pray and cry to God! I saw God was both able and willing to do all that I desired, for myself and friends, and his church in general.

—David Brainerd

It was not persecutions and prisons, but worldliness and wantonness that poisoned the church: neither was it the earthly glory of its professors, but the blood of its martyrs that was the seed of the church.

—John Flavel

Unite with a church that has a real active interest in the salvation of the lost, where young Christians are looked after and helped, where minister and people have a love for the poor and outcast, a church that regards its mission in the world to seek and save the lost.”

—R. A. Torrey

We should confess Christ constantly. We should not be ashamed of our Lord and King. We should let people know that we are on His side. In the home, in the church, at our work, and at our play, we should let others know where we stand.

—R. A. Torrey