
Let me beware, lest I make Christ the minister of sin, by comforting myself too easily when any temptation has prevailed over me, with the reflection, that I have a remedy at hand; it is only to humble myself and implore pardon,and, the promises being sure, to obtain forgiveness.

—William Wilberforce

Strive, O my soul, to maintain and keep alive impressions, first, of the constant presence of a holy, omniscient, omnipotent, but infinitely merciful and gracious God, of Christ our almighty shepherd, of the Holy Spirit, of the evil one, and the invisible world in general.

—William Wilberforce

Knowing God in Christ brings with it eternal life, imperturbable joy, and heavenly blessedness. These are not merely effects, but the knowing of God is itself immediately a new, eternal, and blessed life.

—Herman Bavinck

Oh, how I longed to be with Christ, to be employed in the glorious work of angels, and with an angel’s freedom, vigour, and delight! And yet how willing was I to stay awhile on earth, that I might do something, if the Lord pleased, for his interest in the world!

—David Brainerd

I humbly trust I have humbled myself before God and come to him through Christ and though my heart be so hard and cold and inconstant yet I will humbly trust that his mercy will be extended, even to me.

—William Wilberforce

If you are ever tempted to think any promise of the Word too large and that you must discount it, remember that Christ is risen and that therein you have a proof and illustration of the “exceeding greatness of the power to us-ward who believe.”

—R. A. Torrey

But they put it on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house: in like manner, it is the design of God that every Christian should be in an open point of view; that he may give light to all around, that he may visibly express the religion of Jesus Christ.

—John Wesley

The treasure of merit is therefore not deposited by Christ anywhere on earth, not in the hands of a pope or a priest, not in a church or a sacrament; but the treasure of merit lies solely with and in Christ himself.

—Herman Bavinck

The application of Christ to the soul effectually, though it be so far wrought in the first saving work of the Spirit, as truly to unite the soul to Christ: yet it is a work gradually advancing in the believer’s soul, whilst it abides on this side heaven and glory.

—John Flavel

AW Tozer:

“As a boy, I was not a Christian. I did not have the privilege of growing up in a home where Christ was known & loved.

God spoke to me through a street preacher who quoted the words of Jesus, “Come unto me, all ye that labour & are heavy laden & I will give you rest.”

The application of Christ, by the work of regeneration, is that which yield unto men all the sensible sweetness and refreshing comforts that they have in Christ, and in all that he has done, suffered, or purchased for sinners.

—John Flavel

Men say they don’t want to give up their freedom. There is no freedom until a man knows the Lord Jesus Christ. A man is slave to sin, to his passions and lusts until Christ snaps the fetters and sets him free.

—D. L. Moody

Men don’t like to have Christ preached faithfully; but it is just what they don’t like to have that we must give them. I learned that long ago. The very truths that men object to, and that make them angry, are the truths that bring them to the cross of Christ.

—D. L. Moody

Cross and crown, death and resurrection, humiliation and exaltation lie on the same line. As Jesus Himself put it after His resurrection: It was necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and so enter His glory (Luke 24:26).

—Herman Bavinck

The great aim and scope at all Christ’s ordinances and officers, are to bring men into union with Christ, and so build them up to perfection in him; or to unite them to, and confirm them in Christ.

—John Flavel

Since the fall of man the earth has been a disaster area & everyone lives with a critical emergency. Nothing is normal. Everything is wrong & everyone is wrong until made right by the redeeming work of Christ & the effective operation of the Holy Spirit.

—AW Tozer

At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

If we rest in Christ’s atoning work we shall do good works, but they will be the outcome of being saved and the outcome of believing on Christ as our sin-bearer. Our good works will not be the ground of our salvation, but the result of our salvation and the proof of it. 2/2

—R. A. Torrey

Christ pleads the cause of believers by his blood. Unlike other advocates, it is not enough for him to lay out only words, which is a cheaper way of pleading; but he pleads for us by the voice of his own blood (Heb.12:24).

—John Flavel

You will find all through the Scriptures, when men were filled with the Holy Spirit, they preached Christ and not themselves. They preached Christ and Him crucified.

—D. L. Moody

It is not by might or violence, therefore, that Christ rules in the kingdom given Him by the Father. He did not do this in His humiliation, and He does not do it in His exaltation.

—Herman Bavinck

Christ is the head of every believer, of every local congregation, and also of the church as a whole.

—Herman Bavinck

The treasure of merit is therefore not deposited by Christ anywhere on earth, not in the hands of a pope or a priest, not in a church or a sacrament; but the treasure of merit lies solely with and in Christ himself.

—Herman Bavinck

All the benefits that Christ by his Spirit gives to the church and to every believer can be summarized under one word: grace (John 1:16). But this one word implies a wealth of blessings.

—Herman Bavinck

In short, Christ and all His benefits, the love of the Father, and the grace of the Son, become our portion only in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

—Herman Bavinck

At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.

—Herman Bavinck

There is no partaking in the benefits of Christ without our sharing in his person, for the benefits are inseparable from his person.

—Herman Bavinck

The Lord Christ is my righteousness, my whole and perfect righteousness

—George Whitefield

A soul doth never glorify or honour Christ upon a discovery or sense of the eternal redemption he hath purchased for him, but it is in him a peculiar effect of the Holy Ghost as our comforter.

—John Owen

“If ye love Christ, show it, and show it by doing good to others, by laying yourself out to help others that Jesus may have joy of them.”

Charles Spurgeon