
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

— Abraham Lincoln

Having received wings, a person acquired the qualities not of an angel, but of Satan.

Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Oh, how I longed to be with Christ, to be employed in the glorious work of angels, and with an angel’s freedom, vigour, and delight! And yet how willing was I to stay awhile on earth, that I might do something, if the Lord pleased, for his interest in the world!

—David Brainerd

He who has felt that Face of beauty,

Which wakes the world’s great hymn,

For one unutterable moment

Bent in love o’er him,

In that look finds earth, heaven, men and angels

Grow nearer through Him.

—Amy Carmichael

Let us consider that when we exercise ourselves in God’s praise, we are doing the work of angels and saints in glory.

—Jonathan Edwards

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.


Neither man nor angel can discern hypocrisy, the only evil that walks invisible except to God alone.

—John Milton

Surely, you can never praise God enough for all these blessings, so plentifully showered down upon you, till you praise Him with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven!

—John Wesley

He who has felt that Face of beauty,

Which wakes the world’s great hymn,

For one unutterable moment

Bent in love o’er him,

In that look finds earth, heaven, men and angels

Grow nearer through Him.

—Amy Carmichael

Oh, how I longed to be with Christ, to be employed in the glorious work of angels, and with an angel’s freedom, vigour, and delight! And yet how willing was I to stay awhile on earth, that I might do something, if the Lord pleased, for his interest in the world!

—David Brainerd

I find that both mind and body are quickly tired with intenseness and fervour in the things of God. O that I could be as incessant as angels in devotion and spiritual fervour!

—David Brainerd

Longed exceedingly for angelic holiness and purity, and to have all my thoughts, at all times, employed in divine and heavenly things.

—David Brainerd