Pablo Picasso

Pablo PicassoPablo Ruiz Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer who spent most of his adult life in France.

Pablo Picasso Quotes

If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse… but surely you will see the wildness!

—Pablo Picasso

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.

—Pablo Picasso

Everything you can imagine is real.

—Pablo Picasso

All art is erotic.

—Pablo Picasso

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.

—Pablo Picasso

There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun.

—Pablo Picasso