John Owen

John OwenJohn Owen (1616-1683) was an English Nonconformist church leader, theologian, and academic administrator at the University of Oxford. He was briefly a member of parliament for the University’s constituency, sitting in the First Protectorate Parliament of 1654 to 1655.

John Owen Quotes

This was his aim, that he might die; he was born and lived, that he might die.

—John Owen

CHRIST values his saints, values believers

All that ever he did or doth, all that ever he underwent or suffered as mediator, was for their sakes

—John Owen

The soul applieth itself to the promises of the covenant, wherein Christ is most graciously exhibited unto it

—John Owen

The soul is never satisfied with thoughts of Christ’s love to it. “O that it were more, that it were more! that I were as a ‘seal on his heart!'” is its language.

—John Owen

A believer that hath gotten Christ in his arms, is like one that hath found great spoils, or a pearl of great price.

—John Owen

*The saints delight in Christ*; he is their joy, their crown, their rejoicing, their life, food, health, strength, desire, righteousness, salvation, blessedness: without him they have nothing; in him they shall find all things.

—John Owen

This it is to ask the Father in Christ’s name, – God as a father, the fountain; and Christ as the procurer of them.

—John Owen

It is in Christ alone, and on the account of his oblation and intercession, that we have any boldness to approach unto him.

—John Owen

Jesus Christ hath ‘consecrated a new and living way’ (for the saints) ‘through the vail, that is to say, his flesh,’ Heb 10:20. He hath consecrated and set it apart for believers, and for them alone.

—John Owen

All endeavours, all attempts for communion with God, without the supplies of the Spirit of supplications, without his effectual working in the heart, is of no value, nor to any purpose.

—John Owen

There is a wide difference between understanding *the doctrine of the Scripture* as in the letter, and a true knowing the mind of Christ.

—John Owen

All *spiritual* revelation is by Christ. He is ‘the true Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world,’ John 1:9.

—John Owen

Now, Christ delights exceedingly in his saints: ‘As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee,’ Is 50:5.

—John Owen

If all wisdom be laid up in him, and by an interest in him only to be attained, – if all things beside him and without him that lay claim thereto are folly and vanity, – let them that would be wise learn where to repose their souls.

—John Owen

Scarcely have any *wise* men been brought to destruction, but it hath evidently been through their own *folly*; neither hath the wisest counsel of most been one jot better than madness.

—John Owen

Were not men so wise, the world, perhaps, would be more quiet, when the end of wisdom is to keep it in quietness.

—John Owen

The law can bring forth no righteousness, no obedience; it is weak to any such purpose, by reason of the flesh, and that corruption that is come on us.

—John Owen

God hath set him forth to declare his righteousness for the forgiveness of sin; he hath made way in him for ever to exalt the glory of his pardoning mercy to sinners.

—John Owen

In Christ the very nature of God is discovered to be love and kindness; and that he will exercise the same to sinners, he hath promised, sworn and solemnly engaged himself by covenant.

—John Owen

Gospel grace and pardoning mercy is alone purchased by him, and revealed in him.

—John Owen

The delight he takes in the fruit of the Spirit is unspeakable.

—John Owen

There is no *saving knowledge of any property of God*, nor such as brings *consolation*, but what alone is to be had in Christ Jesus, being laid up in him, and manifested by him.

—John Owen

The law reveals no patience or forbearance in God; it speaks, as to the issue of transgressions, nothing but sword and fire, had not God interposed by an act of sovereignty.

—John Owen

There are many glimpses of the patience of God shining out in the works of his providence; but all exceedingly beneath that discovery of it which we have in Christ

—John Owen

*Love unto sinners*. Without this, man is of all creatures most miserable; and there is not the least glimpse of it that can possibly be discovered but in Christ.

—John Owen

Mortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world.

—John Owen

This, then, for the present, may suffice in general to be spoken of the personal grace of the Lord Christ:- He hath a fitness to save, having pity and ability, tenderness and power, to carry on that work to the uttermost

—John Owen

All true and solid knowledge is laid up in, and is only to be attained from and by, the Lord Jesus Christ

—John Owen

To lie in the arms of Christ’s love, under a perpetual influence of supportment and refreshment, is certainly to hold communion with him.

—John Owen