C. S. Lewis

C. S. LewisClive Staples Lewis (1898-1963), was a British writer and Anglican lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University and Cambridge University.

C. S. Lewis Quotes

Are you ignoring God’s call?

There are some surprises hidden in the story of the beginning.

This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there. – C.S. Lewis

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. – C.S. Lewis

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. – C.S. Lewis

A pleasure is not full grown until it is remembered. – C.S. Lewis

The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. – C.S. Lewis

When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world. – C.S. Lewis

God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want. – C.S. Lewis

If you’re thinking of becoming a Christian, I warn you, you’re embarking on something, which will take the whole of you. – C.S. Lewis

God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way. – C.S. Lewis

Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having. – C.S. Lewis

There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’ – C.S. Lewis

There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’ – C.S. Lewis

You must ask for God’s help. … After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again. – C.S. Lewis

To walk out of his will is to walk into nowhere. – C.S. Lewis

No good work is done anywhere without aid from the Father of Lights. – C.S. Lewis

If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now? – C.S. Lewis

Do not waste time bothering whether you ‘love’ your neighbor; act as if you do, and you will presently come to love him. – C.S. Lewis

I sometimes wonder if all pleasures are not substitutes for joy. – C.S. Lewis

There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him. – C.S. Lewis

The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self — all your wishes and precautions — to Christ. – C.S. Lewis

God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain. – C.S. Lewis

You may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God. – C.S. Lewis

There would be no sense in saying you trusted Jesus if you would not take his advice. – C.S. Lewis

Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror. – C.S. Lewis

The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal. – C.S. Lewis

To love at all is to be vulnerable. -C.S. Lewis

Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar. – C.S. Lewis

Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness. – C.S. Lewis