I still can't watch the funeral. However, they appear in all my scripts and films, because the question of life and death affected my consciousness when I was still a child and left a mark on all my works.
I don't really like my paintings. Sometimes I don't like them at all. I pity them, as clumsy and not pretty enough children, but my relatives. And it seems to me that a good, truly finished picture of mine is still somewhere ahead.
— Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Our fate is so unhappy, our land is so unhappy. The girl is crying, the sister is crying, the wife is crying, the children are crying.
— Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Apparently, your nannies have been feeding you such porridge since you were a child, so that even with gray hair, a man will not stop clinging to women!
At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.
—Herman Bavinck
The Church lives in a hostile world. The power of the Holy Spirit is, therefore, not optional but necessary. Without it the children of God simply cannot live the life of heaven on earth.
—AW Tozer
At the creation the morning stars sang together and all the children of God rejoiced. At the birth of Christ the multitude of heavenly hosts raised the jubilee of God’s good will. On the birthday of the church that church itself sings the wonderful works of God in myriad tones.
—Herman Bavinck
“We want experienced men and women to talk to converted children, and to tell them what the Lord has done for them, and what have been their dangers, their sins, their sorrows, and their comforts.”
“We want experienced men and women to talk to converted children, and to tell them what the Lord has done for them, and what have been their dangers, their sins, their sorrows, and their comforts.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“See to it that you look after the children that are in Christ Jesus.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“The only way to keep chaff out of the child’s little measure is to fill it brimful with good wheat. Oh that the Spirit of God may help us to do this!”
– Charles Spurgeon
“It is ours to make doctrine simple; this is to be a main part of our work. Teach the little ones the whole truth and nothing but the truth; for instruction is the great want of the child’s nature.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“It is ours to make doctrine simple; this is to be a main part of our work. Teach the little ones the whole truth and nothing but the truth; for instruction is the great want of the child’s nature.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“If there be any doctrine too difficult for a child, it is rather the fault of the teacher’s conception of it than of the child’s power to receive it, provided that child be really converted to God.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“If there be any doctrine too difficult for a child, it is rather the fault of the teacher’s conception of it than of the child’s power to receive it, provided that child be really converted to God.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“We practise believer s baptism, and baptize all who confess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whether they are children or adults. Our enquiry as to fitness does not refer to age, but to faith.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“We practise believer s baptism, and baptize all who confess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whether they are children or adults. Our enquiry as to fitness does not refer to age, but to faith.”
– Charles Spurgeon
God suffers his dear children to fall into little miscarriages, that the eye may not say to the hand, ‘I have not need of thee;’ or again, the head to the foot, ‘I have no need of thee.’
—George Whitefield
Even toil will be a joy.
You may deny yourself bread for your children, and even that will be a joy.
They will love you for it afterward.
So, you are laying by for your future.
—Fyodor Dostoevsky
Respect every person, but respect every child one hundred times more, and take care not to harm the chaste purity of their souls.
—Leo Tolstoy
“Children can learn the Bible as soon as they are capable of understanding anything.”
— Charles Spurgeon
Respect every person, but respect every child a hundred times more and take care not to damage the chaste purity of his soul.
—Leo Tolstoy
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.
—Pablo Picasso
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.
The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
—Carl Jung
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.
The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
—Carl Jung
No one can truly recognize the equality of people in life as well as children can. So how criminal it is for adults to teach them that there are kings, rich men & celebrities whom you must respect, and servants, workers and beggars whom you’re allowed to treat with condescension.
—Leo Tolstoy
Don’t force your children into your ways, for they were created for a time different from your own.
The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.
—Aldous Huxley
We pray with boldness.
Not the boldness of the rebel who carries a brazen front in the presence of his offended king, but the boldness of the child who fears because he loves, and loves because he fears.
— Charles Spurgeon
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.